2003 Legislative Roundup

Sponsor: Del. Landes
Purpose: Provides increased notice of town’s proposed annexation
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Ligamfelter
Purpose- Requires VDOT to post highway construction/funding updates on the Internet
Status: Combined with Jack Rollison’s HB2259, approved

Sponsor: Del. Ligamfelter
Purpose: Requires the Comptroller to post on the website for the Department Accounts the following: (i) no later than October 1 of each year, the total amount of each fee collected by the Commonwealth for the most recent six-month period ending June 30, and (ii) no later than April 1 of each year, the total amount of each fee collected by the Commonwealth for the most recent six-month period ending December 30. The Comptroller shall include in the information posted the amount of any such fee that was used for any purpose other than the purpose originally established in law for such fee.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Sherwood
Purpose: Requires the Department of State Police to provide the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission with Registry data in an electronic format. The Commission may use the data for research, evaluative or statistical purposes only and must ensure the confidentiality and security of the data.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Sears
Purpose: Lowers the disciplinary standard for persons licensed by the Board of Medicine from gross negligence to simple negligence; amended to conform with Deeds/Bolling bills
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Cox
Purpose: Abolishes the State Public Records Advisory Council. The Council proposes to the State Library Board rules, regulations, and standards for the purpose of establishing uniform guidelines for the management and preservation of public records throughout the Commonwealth. The Council has not been able to function to the full capacity of its mission because its duties and responsibilities are vague and members have full-time positions with little time to become familiar with public recordkeeping issues. This bill is a recommendation of the Joint Subcommittee Studying the Operations, Practices, Duties, and Funding of the Commonwealth’s Agencies, Boards, Commissions, Councils, and Other Governmental Entities pursuant to HJR 159 (2002).
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Kathy Byron
Purpose: Protection against identity theft. Clarifies that the identities of dead, as well as living, people are protected and that the theft of the identity of a dead person is punishable.
Status: Combined with HB2061, approved

Sponsor: Del. Purkey
Purpose: Requires confidentiality for government-agency sharing of information about radioactive materials
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Bob Marshall
Purpose: Amends record exemption #56 to clarify that procurement records must still be disclosed when relating to the Public-Private Transportation Act of 1995 or the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002; also amends Procurement Act to spell out that the “responsible public entity shall make available, upon request, procurement records . . . once a comprehensive agreement has been entered into”
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Bob Marshall
Purpose: Tightens local conflict of interest disclosure rules
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Darner
Purpose: Requires candidates for local office to make next-day disclosure of gifts of more than $1,000; stricken by patron

Sponsor: Del. Bob Marshall
Purpose: Amends record exemptions #5 and 7; requires disclosure of governor’s legal opinions dealing with constitutionality of pending legislation, on request; protects medical and mental records from disclosure to a person’s family if supported by a court order
Status: Killed in General Laws

Sponsor: Del. Bob Marshall
Purpose: Amends record exemptions #6; requires governor to disclose documents used in preparation of his budget
Status: Killed in General Laws

Sponsor: Del. Bob Marshall
Purpose: If a requester specifies in writing that he desires to be notified when charges for his request exceed a specified amount, the public body shall suspend processing the request and notify the requester if the public body determines that the charges will exceed the specified amount. The period within which the public body shall respond under this section shall be tolled for the amount of time that elapses between the notice by the public body and the response of the requester.
Status: Killed in General Laws; sent to FOI Advisory Council

Sponsor: Del. Dave Albo
Purpose: Amends record exemption #26 to permit local governing bodies, including school boards to keep confidential “investigator notes, and other correspondence and information, furnished in confidence with respect to an active investigation of individual employment discrimination complaints”
Status: Approved

9Sponsor: Del. Rapp
Purpose: Provides that the planning commission and board of zoning appeals may by resolution fix the day to which any meeting shall be continued if weather or other conditions are such that it is hazardous for members to attend the meeting. Such finding shall be communicated to the members and the press as promptly as possible. All hearings and other matters previously advertised for such meeting shall be conducted at the continued meeting and no further advertisement is required. This authority is similar to that which currently exists for local governing bodies.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Landes
Purpose: Attempts to tighten the provision that requires a Governor to deliver to The Library of Virginia all correspondence and other records of his office during his term. As to correspondence or other records of a “strictly” personal or private nature, the Governor must consult with the Librarian of Virginia before deciding which records are not required to go to The Library of Virginia.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Landes
Purpose: Expands the current prohibition on having television receivers in motor vehicles within view of the driver to include video monitors as well.
Status: Stricken by sponsor

Sponsor: Del. McQuigg
Purpose: Requires $10,000-plus PACs to file electronic reports with the State Board of Elections
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Sherwood
Purpose: Protection of certain records in the possession of building officials (expands a FOIA exemption.)
Status: Approved

Del. McDougle
Purpose: Exempts racing commission from Data Collection/Practices Act (formerly called the Privacy Act)
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Byron
Purpose: permits DMV, other agencies to display part of a Social Security number
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Woodrum
Purpose: FOIA exemption; unclaimed property investigations by state treasurer
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. D.C. Jones
Purpose: Prohibits disclosure of “directory information” (student’s name, sex, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and other similar information”) to “any political party, group, committee, or organization.”
Status: Killed by Education Committee

Del. D.C. Jones
Purpose: Enables a public body to sanction any member who discloses information discussed in a closed meeting permitted by FOIA.
Status: Killed in General Laws; sent to FOI Advisory Council

Sponsor: Del. D.C. Jones
Purpose: Amends Code to permit school boards to adopt a rule prohibiting disclosure by any member of information discussed in a closed meeting (similar to HB1797, which proposes the same rule in the FOI Act.
Status: Stricken in General Laws

Sponsor: Del. Morgan
Purpose: As amended, bans Internet posting of street addresses for physicians, other health professionals
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Reese
Purpose: Requires local school boards to provide public notice of intention to renegotiate, extend, or amend a division superintendent’s contract at least 28 days prior to school board action. If such renegotiation, extension, or amendment provides for an adjustment in compensation or contract duration, the school board must hold at least one public hearing prior to issuing final approval of such action, and must provide additional public notice at least 10 days prior to any such hearings. See Sen. O’Brien’s substitute SB756
Status: Killed on House floor

HB 1845
Sponsor: Del. Reese
Purpose: Encourages E-filings
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Joe May
Purpose: Requires employers with 10 or more employees to notify employees prior to engaging in electronic monitoring.
Status: Rejected by Commerce and Labor committee

HB 1898 (Stump), companion SB714; Courts committee; combined with Devolites bill and stricken by patron

HB 1926/SB 847
Sponsor: Del. Nixon, Sen. Howell
This bill establishes the Information Technology Investment Board, the Virginia Technology Fund, and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VTA), to be led by the Chief Information Officer (CIO). A substitute bill has been introduced in both the House and Senate. Whereas the introduced bill empowers the governor to single-handedly appoint the CIO, the substitute reassigns this authority to the members of the Investment Review Board, half of whom are to be appointed by the legislature and half by the governor. The substitute also removes all language from the introduced bill that would exempt the Agency from requirements of the Virginia Public Procurement Act. Contrary to the mandate of the introduced bill, the substitute permits the mission’s critical applications and as advanced sociated staff to remain independent from consolidation into the Agency.
Status: Substitute adopted by Senate, 36-3, approved by House 74-21

Sponsor: Del. Woodrum
Purpose: Defines Virginia Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Board as a public body; establishes new FOIA record exemption for its claims and witness records
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Dudley
Purpose: Amends Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act; prohibits “display of a Social Security number on the face of a mailing envelope or package after July 1, 2004
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Abbitt
Purpose: Stiffer fines proposed for FOIA violators; amended to cut initial fine to $250 minimum for willful violation
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Gear
Purpose: Amended, provides confidentiality for chemical testing information involving Branch Pilots
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Brink
Purpose: Another attempt to require legislators to account for expense checks
Status: Killed in Rules Committee

Sponsor: Del. Brink
Purpose: Requires posting of First Amendment in the public schools
Status: Amended to post full Bill of Rights, approved

Sponsor: Del. Brink
Purpose: Tightens rules for archiving of governor’s records; requires the Librarian of Virginia to inform a new Governor within approximately 10 weeks of taking office “the applicable records retention and disposal schedules for such records developed in accordance with the Virginia Public Records Act.
Status: Killed in General Laws

Sponsor: Del. Brink
Purpose: Requires Board of Elections to review all campaign finance reports of candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General, and to select by a public random drawing campaign-finance reports of 10 per cent of all PACs and legislative races for similar review. Proof of all expanditures exceeding $500 also could be required.
Status: Killed by Privileges and Elections Committee, 12-8

Sponsor: Del. Brink
Purpose: In the event of catastrophes, if two or more Virginia seats are vacant in the House of Representatives, the governor “may modify the notice requirements” for Virginia elections
Status: Killed in Privileges and Elections committee

HB 2165 (Phillips); SB714 companion; stricken

HB 2175
Sponsor: Del. Bell
Kilgore ID Task Force Bill; amended, approved in Courts committee and Appropriations (SB979 companion). Sets new restrictions for use of SSN after FY03
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Chris Jones
Purpose: enables court to seal search warrant temporarily; Code currently permits sealing of affidavits
Status: Rejected 5-5 in Courts of Justice subcommittee; killed in full committee without discussion

Sponsor: Del. Chris Jones
Purpose” Expands meeting exemption #16 for confidential deliberations of the State Lottery Board in a licensing appeal action
Status: Approved

Sponsors: Del. Chris Jones, Del. Chip Woodrum
Purpose: Creates the Sensitive Records Protection Act, which prohibits release of “sensitive records”, defined as “those portions of engineering and architectural drawings, operational, procedural, tactical planning or training manuals, or staff meeting minutes or other records that reveal critical structural components, security equipment and systems, ventilation systems, fire protection equipment, mandatory building emergency equipment or systems, elevators, electrical systems, telecommunications equipment and systems, other utility equipment and systems of any building; surveillance techniques, personnel deployments, alarm or security systems or technologies, or operational and transportation plans or protocols; or vulnerability assessments submitted to or in the possession of a public body, the disclosure of which would jeopardize the security of any facility, building or structure or the safety of persons using such facility, building or structure.”
Status: Amended to ditch criminal penalties, Sensitive Records Act approach; approved

Sponsor: Del. Chris Jones; co-patron Del. Chip Woodrum
Purpose: Deletes record exemption #69, expands exemption #57 to allow confidentiality for “critical Infrastructure” records provided by private businesses. Plans to prevent or respond to terrorist activity, to the extent such records set forth specific tactics, or specific security or emergency procedures; engineering and architectural drawings, including critical infrastructure or structural components, security equipment and systems, ventilation systems, fire protection equipment, mandatory building emergency equipment or systems, elevators, electrical systems, telecommunications equipment and systems, and other utility equipment and systems, operational, procedural, tactical planning or training manuals, or staff meeting minutes or other records; and vulnerability assessments, the disclosure of which would jeopardize the safety of governmental personnel or the general public any person, or the security of any governmental public or private facility, building, structure, or information storage system. Opposed by Coalition, as introduced
Status: Approved

HB 2291 (Devolities) Permits clerk to reject deeds of trust with SSN. Stricken by chief patron; see SB714

HB 2294 (Devolities) Requires Online Land Record Access by Subscription Only (fees to be based on prior rules for clerk fees, thus trumping FOIA)
Status: Aproved

HB 2292 (Devolities) Divorce cases/provides a sealed summary for financial information and SSN in e-filings
Status: Killed by Courts of Justice committee

Sponsor: Del. Devolites
Purpose: Requires a political committee to comply with the requirements of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act and file a statement of organization and contribution and expenditure reports if the committee receives contributions or makes expenditures in a 12-month period to advocate the passage or defeat of (i) a statewide referendum in excess of $30,000, (ii) a referendum held in 2 or more counties and cities in excess of $20,000, and (iii) a referendum held in a single county or city in excess of $10,000. The bill modifies the requirements for the statement of organization and reports of contributions and expenditures applicable to such committees.
Status: Approved

HB 2305
Sponsor: Del. Devolities
Purpose: Provides confidentiality for SSN, mother’s maiden name in name-change orders
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Bland
Purpose: Amends Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act; bans Internet posting of Social Security numbers by any Virginia agency
Status: Killed in General Laws; duplicates other legislation

Sponsor: Delegates Nixon and Janis
Purpose: Access to clerks’ online land records will be restricted to paid subscripters, Jan. 1, 2004-June 30, 2005, if records contain the following information: (i) an actual signature; (ii) a social security number; (iii) a date of birth identified with a particular person; (iv) the maiden name of a person’s parent so as to be identified with a particular person; (v) any financial account number or numbers; or (vi) the name and age of any minor child.
Status: OK’d by House, 68-29; much-improved substitute bill adopted by Senate, 36-3; Senate added a bad provision asking subscribers to reveal “access purpose;” changes were accepted by the House, 91-8.

Sponsors: Griffith/Stolle
Purpose: Blocks any FOIA oversight of proposed Commitment Revew Committee (to deal with sexually violent predators
Status: Conferees’ substitute approved

Sponsor: Del. Griffith
Purpose: Requires annual reports of university-related foundations detailing “stated mission; a description of programs, activities, and initiatives developed and implemented to fulfill such mission; and audited financial and evelopment activities. “University-related foundation” means any foundation affiliated with an institution of higher education that operates auxiliary enterprises, including on-campus bookstores and food and vending services.
Status: Killed by Education committee

Sponsor: Del. Bolvin
Purpose: Expands record exemption #40 to include Division of Risk Management’s active invesigative files
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Griffith
Purpose: Delays sealing of probation record until final order of court
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Morgan
Purpose: Creates Va Anti-Spamming Act
Status: Killed in Science/Technology committee

Sponsor: Del. Landes
Purpose: Allows use of Internet for publication of Virginia Register of Regulations
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Scott
Purpose: Renewed attempt to block media reports of presidential election results until polls close on West Coast
Status: Approved by House, killed in Senate committee

Sponsor: Del. Ward Armstrong
Purpose: New open-meeting exemption: “discussion or consideration by the board of trustees of the Virginia Museum of Natural History of matters relating to museum fundraising activities or specific gifts, bequests, and grants.”
Status: Killed in General Laws; see HB2738

Sponsor: Del. Sherwood
Purpose: New FOIA record exemption for “security plans and specific vulnerability assessment components of school safety audits.” School safety audit means a written assessment of the safety conditions in each public school to (i) identify and, if necessary, develop solutions for physical safety concerns, including building security issues and (ii) identify and evaluate any patterns of student safety concerns occurring on school property or at school-sponsored events. Solutions and responses may include recommendations for structural adjustments, changes in school safety procedures, and revisions to the school board’s standards for student conduct.
Status: Amended, approved

Sponsor: Del. Spruill
Purpose: Restores prisoners’ FOIA rights
Status: Killed in General Laws; sent to FOI Advisory Council

Sponsor: Del. Woodrum
Purpose: Adds FOIA exemption for “records submitted as a grant application, or accompanying a grant application, to the Commonwealth Health Research Board pursuant to Chapter 22 (§ 23-277 et seq.) of Title 23 to the extent such records contain proprietary business or research-related information produced or collected by the applicant in the conduct of or as a result of study or research on medical, rehabilitative, scientific, technical or scholarly issues, when such information has not been publicly released, published, copyrighted or patented, if the disclosure of such information would be harmful to the competitive position of the applicant.”
Status: Approved

Del. Chris Jones (by request)
Repeals notice provisions for closed meetings of any public body held solely for the purpose of (i) interviewing candidates for the position of chief administrative officer or (ii) taking testimony or the presentation of evidence concerning the disciplining of any student or employee of any state school system.
Status: Killed in General Laws; sent to FOI Advisory Council

Del. Chris Jones
Purpose: Broadens closed-meeting exemption for discussion of threats to public safety
Status: Killed in General Laws; sent to FOI Advisory Council

HB 2686
Del. Amundsen
Victims shall be advised of the address confidentiality program under §§ 19.2-11.2:1 through 19.2-11.2:5.
Status: Killed, Militia and Police committee

Sponsor: Del. Woodrum
Purpose: Overturns January decision by state Supreme Court; makes clear that constitutional officers are covered by state’s Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Armstrong
Purpose: Adds Va. Museum of Natural History to meeting exemption #9 (this is a narrow, and thus acceptable, alternative to Armstrong’s earlier HB2580)
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Brink
Purpose: Requires DMV to enter into a partnership with The Library of Virginia to promote the use of public library Internet access terminals to complete on-line license transactions
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Brink
Purpose: Instructs school superintendents to ensure that acceptable use policies and filtering technology do not preclude access to material that is protected by the United States and Virginia Constitutions.
Status: Killed in Science/Technology committee

Sponsor: Del. Phillips
Purpose: Authorizes towns to provide cable and Internet services
Status: Stricken by sponsor

Sponsor: Del. Ingram
Purpose: Permits treasurers to charge $25 monthly fee for access to online public records
Status: Killed in Finance Committee

Sponsors: Del. Bob Marshall
Purpose: Creates disclosure rules for persons reporting violations of sewage disposal regulations
Status: Killed in Agriculture committee

Sponsor: Bob Marshall
Purpose: Makes Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority subject to the federal Freedom of Information Act
Status: Approved by House; killed in Senate committee; issue of jurisdiction headed to FOI Advisory Council

Sponsor: Devolites
Purpose: Creates Electronic Government Services Act; emphasizes importance of protecting private sector “against unfair competition by government agencies”; keeps government from providing Internet services if two or more private businesses offer the same services
Status: Stricken by patron

Sponsor: Del. Chad Petersen
Purpose: Attempts once again to gain approval for televising and/or Web-casting of House of Delegates sessions
Status: Killed in Rules Committee, 10-6

Sponsor: Del. Coles
Purpose: Encourages 9th U.S. Circuit to overturn hostile Pledge of Allegiance rulingStatus: Passed House; killed in Senate Rules

Sponsor: Del. Devolites
Purpose: Extends court records study another two years, asks executive secretary of Supreme Court to seek grant and make recommendations; limits study group to four meetings.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Del. Gear
Purpose: Constitutional amendment allowing localities to abolish constitutional offices of treasurers and revenue commissioners
Status: Killed in Privileges and Elections committee

Sponsor: Sen. Deeds
Purpose: Directs the Department of State Police to develop a statewide child abduction alert plan (the Virginia Amber Alert Plan) to rapidly publicize information on a child abduction. Pursuant to procedures developed by the Department of State Police, local law enforcement will notify the Department of State Police, who will take action, including activating the emergency alert system.
Status: Combined with SB1204

Sponsor: Sen. Houck
Purpose: Requires every official having the power to arrest for a crime to make a report to the Central Criminal Records Exchange of any arrest, including those arrests involving the taking into custody of, or service of process upon, any person on charges resulting from an indictment, presentment or information, the arrest on capias or warrant for failure to appear, and the service of a warrant for another jurisdiction, for criminal non-support.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Wampler
Purpose: Allows the clerk of courts to refuse to file any instrument that includes a grantor’s, grantee’s or trustee’s social security.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Houck
Purpose: FOIA Council’s proposals for two more FOI exemptions to protect confidentiality of contract negotiations
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Houck
Purpose: FOIA Council’s proposal requiring payment of outstanding fee invoices before new records can be sought
Status: Approved

SB740 (Marsh)
Purpose: Technology Trust Fund extended to 2008
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. O’Brien
Purpose: The governing body of each public and private institution of higher education in Virginia shall annually report to the Office of the Attorney General all incidents involving violent crime occurring on the campus of the relevant institution. Such reports shall be based on data collected from any criminal incident information from campus police departments at public and private institutions of higher education, as provided in § 23-232.1, and such other records and materials as the Attorney General may designate for the purpose of recording the frequency of such incidents and making such information available to the public. The Office of the Attorney General shall develop and implement procedures to implement this subsection that address those violent crimes required to be reported, which shall include, but may not be limited to, violent felony offenses as defined in § 19.2-297.1 and any crime ancillary thereto; reporting dates; report formats; confidentiality of personal identifying information; the withholding of information whose release may jeopardize an ongoing investigation or individual safety; and such other matters as the Attorney General deems necessary.
Status: Stricken by patron

Sponsor: Sen. O’Brien
Purpose: Initially required 30 day notice and public hearing before school superintendent’s contract is renegotiated. Approved by Senate; amended in committee to remove requirement for public hearing, but all school board members must get notice at least 30 days in advance; no provision for public notice; see tougher companion measure HB1839, killed on House floor
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Howell
Purpose: Implements Gov. Warner’s overhaul of state’s technology agencies; creates Va. Information Technologies Agency
Status: Combined with SB1247/Stosch

Sponsor: Sen. Deeds
Purpose: Lowers the disciplinary standard for persons licensed by the Board of Medicine from gross negligence to simple negligence. The bill creates a confidential consent agreement that may be used twice (or more, in some circumstances!) by a health regulatory board, in lieu of discipline, in cases involving minor misconduct where there is little or no injury to a patient or the public; combined with amended SB1334

Sponsor: Sen. Wampler
Purpose: Restores right of localities to build high-speed Internet hookups and provide “any communications services”
Status: Approved by Senate, 36-1; stricken in House

Sponsor: Sen. Wampler
Purpose: Protects confidentiality of insurance policyholder
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Ruff
Purpose: Enables local governing bodies to override charter rules; as amended, defines a majority as three members including the mayor if there is a six-member council. The measue is intended to break the impasse on Emporia City Council.
Status: Killed

Sponsor: Sen. Byrne
Purpose: Permits electronic surveilance, when authorized, to detect patient abuse in nursing homes
Status: Killed, 9-4, by Education/health committee

Sponsor: Sen. Byrne
Purpose: Restrict unwanted commercial e-mail
Status: Killed, 7-7, Senate General Laws committee

Sponsor: Sen. Byrne
Purpose: Caps license tax on free-lance writers
Status: Killed in Finance Committee

Sponsor: Sen. Mims
Purpose: Implements recommendations of attorney general’s Identity Theft Task Force
Status: substitute approved in House

Sponsor: Sen. Mims
Purpose: Spells out rules for courts to weigh when considering if plaintiff’s anonymity outweighs the public’s interest in knowing the identity.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Mims
Purpose: Expands information-access rights for crime victims
Status: Approved

SB1011 (similar to 5 other bills, including ones killed in the House)
Sponsor: Sen. Howell
Purpose: Requires priests and other ministers to report child abuse unless protected by confidential communication
Status: Approved by Senate, 28-1; killed by House

Sponsor: Sen. Trumbo
Purpose: Directs better Internet disclosure of reports sought by legislature
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Mims
Purpose: Creates Virginia Whistleblowers Act; allows claims for employment discrimination against an employer who takes adverse action against an employee who refuses to engage in a criminal act or other act in violation of state law, or cooperates with a public agency conducting an investigation of an alleged violation of state law by the employer. The Act does not apply to employees who have a written contract of employment or collective bargaining. The Act overturns the Supreme Court decision of Bowman v. State Bank of Keysville.
Status: Stricken by patron

Sponsor: Sen. Whipple
Purpose: Makes numerous changes in election laws; includes language defining permissible election-day exceptions to FOIA for routine administrative acts
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Stolle
Purpose: Creates “Criminal Intelligence Systems Operating Policy Act; provides that “information, photographs, reports and statistics generated by, maintained by, or regarding any project, shall not be subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.) or the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act
Status: Courts of Justice; stricken by patron

Sponsors: Griffith/Stolle
Purpose: Blocks any FOIA oversight of proposed Commitment Revew Committe (to deeal with sexually violent predators
Status: Conference committee substitute approved

Sponsor: Sen. Newman
Purpose: Rules for video conferencing. Substitute measure extends pilot project to all state boards and commissions until 6/30/05; allows archiving of audio-only tapes; includes emergeny clause; restricts participation to entities with members who live at least 55 miles from primary meeting site. Requires filing of written reports by Sept. 15, 2003 and 2004, to JCOTS and FOI Advisory Council. Takes effect as soon as governor signs.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Stosch
Purpose: Overhauls technology programs
Status: Substitute approved by House

Sponsor Sen. Bolling
Original bill streamlined Virginia’s health care data reporting mechanism by eliminating the role of a nonprofit organization in the compilation, storage, analysis, and evaluation of data submitted by health care providers and transferring certain responsibilities for health care data compilation, storage, analysis, and evaluation to the Commissioner of Health. As amended, the nonprofit remains — but it cannot charge increased fees if health organizations submit processed and verified patient level data on inpatients in a timely manner.
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Wagner
Purpose: As amended in House committee, removes sweeping FOIA exemption
Status: Approved

Sen. Colgan
Provides disclosure rules for proposed Dept. of Charitable Gaming
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Bolling
Companion to Deeds/amended Sears bills that strengthen disciplinary procedures for bad doctors; amended on motion by Sen. Mims to require disclosure of criminal law violations
Status: Approved

Sponsor: Sen. Stolle
Purpose: Relaxes phone-conference rules for UVa board of visitors for another year
Status: Amended by Senate committee to delete special rules for the university’s finance subcommittee; Status: Approved