

§ 58.1-4014. Price of tickets or shares; who may sell; penalty.

A. No person shall sell a ticket or share at any price or at any location other than that fixed by rules and regulations of the Department. No person other than a licensed lottery sales agent or his employee shall sell lottery tickets or shares, except that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any person from giving lottery tickets or shares to another person over the age of eighteen years as a gift.

B. Any person convicted of violating this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

§ 58.1-4015. Sale of ticket or share to person under eighteen prohibited; penalty.

No ticket or share shall be sold to or redeemed from any person under the age of eighteen years. Any licensee who knowingly sells or offers to sell or redeem a lottery ticket or share to or from any person under the age of eighteen years is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

§ 58.1-4016. Gift to minor prohibited.

No ticket or share shall be given as a gift or otherwise to any person under the age of eighteen years. Any person who knowingly gives a lottery ticket or share to any person under the age of eighteen years is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

§ 58.1-4017. Alteration and forgery; presentation of counterfeit or altered ticket or share; penalty.

Any person who forges, alters or fraudulently makes any lottery ticket or share with intent to present for payment or to transfer to another person to be presented for payment or knowingly presents for payment or transfers to another person to be presented for payment such forged, altered or fraudulently made counterfeit lottery ticket or share sold pursuant to this chapter is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

§ 58.1-4018. Prohibited actions; penalty.

Any person who wrongfully and fraudulently uses, disposes of, conceals or embezzles any public money or funds associated with the operation of the lottery shall be guilty of a Class 2 felony. Any person who wrongfully and fraudulently tampers with any equipment or machinery used in the operation of the lottery shall be guilty of a Class 2 felony. Any person who makes inaccurate entries regarding a financial accounting of the lottery in order to conceal the truth, defraud the Commonwealth and obtain money to which he is not entitled shall be guilty of a Class 2 felony.

*Note: This statutory text is given for illustrative purposes only. It may represent only that portion of the statute that FOIA mentions. There may have been legislative changes to the statute as well. Check the most recent, official version of the Virginia Code before relying on any provision seen here.