Payment page for VCOG’s Annual Conference: Fredericksburg

If you are paying by check, please make checks payable to: 

Virginia Coalition for Open Government (or VCOG) and remit to
Attention: Annual Conference
P.O. Box 2576
Williamsburg VA  23187

Questions? Contact Megan Rhyne at 540-353-8264 or

To register by credit card through PayPal, choose your option below and click “Add to Cart”

NOTE: You can change the quantity and type of registration on the PayPal page

(e.g., if you are paying for 2 of the same registration levels, click “Add to Cart” and then change quantity from 1 to 2)

(e.g., if you are paying for 2 different registration levels, such as 1 member and 1 non-member), choose 1 level, click “Add to Cart” and on the resulting page, click “Continue Shopping.”)

Full registration (includes lunch, except where noted)
á la carte: which 2 sessions?