FOIA roadshows roll in September

The FOI Advisory Council held its annual statewide training workshops in September. Council staff held day-long events in Richlands, Roanoke, Weyer’s Cave, Virginia Beach, Richmond and Alexandria, attended by approximately 650 people. Attendees included state and local government employees and officials, law-enforcement personnel, citizens and media representatives.

The workshops were approved for 5.5 hours of continuing legal education credits for attorneys and for in-service credit for law-enforcement personnel.

The workshops included presentations on access to records, access to meetings, law enforcement records, e-mail and other current FOIA issues.

The workshops were co-sponsored by the Virginia Coalition for Open Government, the Virginia Association of Broadcasters, the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police, the Virginia Association of Counties, the Virginia Local Government Attorneys Association, the Virginia Municipal League, the Virginia Press Association, the Virginia Sheriff’s Association, and the Virginia School Boards’ Association.