A PAC set up by Speaker of the House Bill Howell got $25,000 from Southside Republican legislators Robert Hurt, Danny Marshall and Clarke Hogan.
Asked about it, Howell told a Danville reporter, “I do know when the Committee on Committees is looking at different (House committee) slots, they’re going to say, Who’s helped us? Who’s a team player?’ I think it’s going to be remembered. I certainly appreciate it.”
That set off Barnie Day, a one-time House Democrat who now jabs Republicans once a week with online, no-holds-barred commentaries.
“Hold on just a minute, Mr. Speaker! Go over that one again. The Committee on Committees?,” Day wrote.
“There is a committee of public officials that makes the House’s committee appointments?”, Day asked.
“Say, what’s something like that cost, you know, a good committee seat? How much jack does somebody have to come up with to be, shall we say — no, in fact, you did say remembered’?
“If you want to know the truth, the one I’d be interested in would be this Committee on Committees. Doesn’t sound to me like you even have to be a legislator to be on that one. Anything in the rules book about it? Is this a buy-sell thing, too? What’s that one cost?
“Not that I’m all that particular about the company I keep, but who are the members of this committee? When and where does it meet? Are the meetings open? Are the meeting times and places publicly posted? Are they subject to the state’s open meetings law? How about the Freedom of Information Act? Can I FOIA you and have these questions answered?
“(Hey, just kidding! You know I’d never FOIA you, Mr. Speaker! Not me!)
“And what about that power-sharing deal? You know, the proportional representation deal? Are there any Democratic seats on the Committee on Committees?”