VCOG bulletin board

Coalition names new director
Megan Rhyne was named executive director of the Virginia Coalition for Open Government in October 2008 by VCOG’s board of directors. Rhyne previously served as VCOG’s associate director for 10 years. Megan has an undergraduate degree in radio, television and motion pictures from University of North Carolina, and a law degree from University of Colorado. She was an FOI intern at the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and has taught media law at the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications at Hampton University. Megan grew up in Williamsburg and lives there now.

Let’s talk
VCOG’s Executive Director, Megan Rhyne, is available for speaking engagements around the state.
Big groups, small groups, government, schools, conference panels or civic organizations
Prepared speeches, panel discussions, informal conversations, visual presentations
Megan is also available for FOIA training sessions, or to write editorials and opinion pieces for state and local media.

Contact her at 540-353-8264 or

Federal FOIA guide
VCOG board member Harry Hammitt is the primary editor of the latest edition of “Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws” handbook produced by the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

VCOG is Tweeting . . .
VCOG now has a Twitter page to keep members, supporters and friends up to date about VCOG’s activities. Watch for “Tweets” during the upcoming legislative session at

. . . And we hope to be podcasting
VCOG is also planning to upload podcasts to its Web site during the legislative session. In addition to a Web site chart that tracks the progress of bills, the podcasts will give listeners up to date accounts of committee and subcommittee meetings, as well as the status of various bills. Keep checking our Web site — — for the first of these podcasts.

Membership: online
VCOG now accept VISA and MasterCard for membership dues payments, new members and donations.
Just go to our Web site — — and click on “Join the Coalition” to become a member, or on “Donate” to make an unrestricted gift to VCOG.