Access 2016: Panels, panelists and sponsors

James Madison's Montpelier
December 8, 2016
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (exact schedule to be determined)

  • Earlybird Registration through Nov. 18:  $30 members; $40 non-members
  • After Nov. 18:  $35 members; $45 non-members
  • Students:  $25
  • Donations, sponsorships: Any amount is welcome!!

Eventbrite - ACCESS 2016: VCOG's Annual Conference

Tentative line-up of panels
  • Legislative privilege -- the Virginia Supreme Court recently ruled in a case that legislative privlege shields communication with third parties in certain circumstances. Find out more about the case and contrast it with FOIA's working papers exemption.
  • Proactive disclosure -- Is government information moving from an ask-and-receive model to an on-demand one? How does government decide which data sets it will make available? Can government be simultaneously transparent and opaque?
  • Government and social media -- Is social media a great way to engage citizens, a quagmire for records management purposes, or a potential legal minefield of deleted comments or blocked "friends," a combination of all three. Or something else entirely?
  • The business of confidentiality -- Whether it's the chemicals used in fracking, who farms hemp or what type of development a utility is proposing, businesses often don't want government to release trade secret or proprietary information about them. How accommodating should government be?
  • Information in the age of Madison -- James Madison is considered the patron saint of open government. But when he said the people must have access to information, just what did he mean?
PANELISTS (read their bios)
Mark Barham City of Williamsburg
Kristin Davis Southern Environmental Law Center
Dr. Mike Dickens Center for the Constitution at Montpelier
The Hon. Wyatt Durrette Former member of the Virginia House of Delegates
Prof. Michael Gilbert  University of Virginia School of Law
Eric Gregory Hefty, Wiley & Gore
The Hon. Edd Houck  Former member of the Virginia Senate
Andria McClellan  Norfolk City Council
David Ogburn Capital Results
Chad Owen Library of Virginia
Dale Peskin Loudoun Times-Mirror
Emily Shaw Sunlight Foundation
Dr. James Toscano  Tidewater Community College
Josh Wheeler  Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression
And many thanks to our conference sponsors:
  • AARP Virginia
  • Dorothy Abernathy
  • Bonnie Alexander
  • Anonymous
  • Paul Casalaspi
  • Roger Christman
  • Concerned Citizens of Giles County
  • Amy Carter Day
  • Joan Fenton
  • Mark Grunewald
  • Dick Hammerstrom
  • Debra Hernandez
  • Joshua Heslinga
  • Waldo Jaquith
  • Spencer Kimball
  • Eileen McAfee
  • Andria McClellan
  • Anne McCray
  • Ted Mellnik
  • Carol Noggle
  • Sonya Peretti-Hull
  • Rebecca Quinn
  • Elisabeth Rhyne
  • Megan Rhyne
  • Rebecca Rhyne
  • Richmond Times-Dispatch
  • Louise Seals
  • Glenn Smith
  • Thomas H. Roberts & Associates, P.C.
  • Guy Tower
  • Virginian-Pilot
  • Washington & Lee Department of Journalism and Mass Communications
  • Wason Center for Public Policy
  • Timothy Watson
  • Brian Wheeler

