Author: Del. Don McEachin, D-Richmond
Type: Electronic records/Internet
Details: As amended, proposes a study of home pages for legislators,
other electronic constituent services, by clerks of the House and Senate.
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Ken Plum, D-Reston
Type: Electronic records/Internet
Details: Puts state on record as opposed to Internet taxes,
fees or assessments.
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Marian Van Landingham, D-Alexandria
Type: Open records
Details: Study by Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission
of State Board of Elections, its computer system and the state’s voter
registration systems.
Outcome: Passed
HJ 52
Author: Del. Marian Van Landingham, D-Alexandria
Type: Disclosure rules
Details: Provides for campaign-finance training for treasurers
of General Assembly campaigns.
Outcome: Passed
HB57, HJ23
Author: Del. Dick Cranwell, D-Roanoke County
Type: Court access
Details: Provides second-year approval of a proposed November
1998 constitutional amendment to ease confidential Judicial Inquiry and
Review Commission rules for misconduct proceedings involving Virginia judges
Outcome: No action, at request of patron (see SB645, SJ2)
Author: Del. Billy Robinson, D-Norfolk
Type: Limited court access
Details: A proposed Year 2000 constitutional amendment that
would permanently restrict JIRC information to key General Assembly members
Outcome: Defeated by Senate, 27-12
Author: Del. Chip Woodrum, D-Roanoke
Type: Open meetings, open records
Details: Establishes a 7-member joint subcommittee to study
open-government exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act and elsewhere
in the Code of Virginia
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William
Type: Internet restrictions
Details: Requires person to report to police anyone seen looking
at “sexually explicit visual material” involving juveniles
Outcome: Killed in House Courts of Justice Committee
Author: Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William
Type: Internet restrictions
Details: Imposes tougher penalty on sex-related solicitation
of juveniles via Internet than solicitations in person
Outcome: Killed in House Courts of Justice Committee
Author: Del. Jack Rust, R-Fairfax
Type: Law libraries
Details: Provides that new fees may be charged in civil and
criminal cases to support law libraries
Outcome: Killed
Author: Del. Don McEachin, D-Richmond
Type: Open records
Details: Proposes joint subcommittee study of need for stricter
confidentiality with autopsy and medical examination reports
Outcome: Full study rejected; referred to House Courts committee
for possible mini-study
Author: Del. Franklin Hall, D-Richmond
Type: Closed records
Details: Involves various matters facing the Medical College
of Virginia Hospitals Authority
Outcome: Proposed “working-papers” FOIA exemption deleted
Author: Del. Jay DeBoer, D-Petersburg
Type: Information-agency restructuring
Details: JLARC proposal to merge Dept. of Information Technology
and Council on Information Management, create new cabinet-level chief information
officer (CIO)
Outcome: Carried over to 1999, at chief patron’s request; Gilmore
Administration plans “blue ribbon commission” to assist new CIO in reviewing
possible need for restructuring
Author: Del. Alan Diamondstein, D-Newport News
Type: Open records
Details: Megan’s law; requires public notification of sex offenders’
identity when residing in a community
Outcome: Merged into HB570
Author: Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William
Type: Internet content restrictions
Details: Requires blocking software on state-funded library
computers with access to the Internet; prohibits juvenile access; etc.
Outcome: Killed in House Courts of Justice Committee; revived
in House budget amendment; killed by budget conferees
Author: Del. Creigh Deeds, D-Warm Springs
Type: Open records
Details: Megan’s law; requires public notification of sex offenders’
identity when residing in a community; Internet disclosure system to be
set up
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Brian Moran, D-Alexandria
Type: Open records/Internet
Details: Requires use of Internet for sample ballots, starting
in 1998.
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Dave Albo, R-Springfield
Type: Open records/Internet
Details: As amended, requires electronic filing of all campaign
fund-raising reports by candidates for statewide office; continues voluntary
electronic filing for General Assembly candidates; requires use of Internet
for disclosure of all financial reports, paper or electronic, beginning
in 2001
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. John A. Rollison III, R-Woodbridge
Type: Electronic records/Internet
Details: As favorably amended by the Gilmore Administration,
reaffirms right of state’s new Internet information network (VIPNet) to
put public records on line; addressed patron’s privacy concerns by blocking
VIPNet from combining and then reselling personal data collected by various
local and/or state government agencies.
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Alan Diamondstein, D-Newport News
Type: Electronic meetings — University of Virginia
Details: As favorably amended, allows up to one-third of U.Va.’s
Board of Visitors to participate in public meetings by speaker phone at
remote sites accessible by the public; retains 25% cap on number of permissible
electronic meetings each year. During a planned two-year experiment, the
board will voluntarily provide advance notice of at least three days for
all such meetings, assure adequate amplification for phone hookups and
hold some committee meetings in rooms designed for easy public access (not
specified in the bill, but promised by university spokesmen). Governor’s
amendments approved, requiring Jan. 1, 2000 report on “positive and negative
experiences,” number of times used, names of absentee members, etc.
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William
Type: Internet informtion
Details: Outlaws sexually explicit e-mail messages sent to juveniles
for commercial purposes
Outcome: Carried over to 1999 by House Science and Technology
Author: Del. Bud Phillips, Dickenson
Type: Open records
Details: Gives Commissioners of Revenue and Treasurers authority
to post nonconfidential information on the Internet Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Bud Phillips, Dickenson
Type: Open records
Details: Clerks’ remote access fees changed from mandatory to
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Bud Phillips, Dickenson
Type: Open records
Details: The clerks’ so-called “cover sheet bill,” originally
defeated by the House Science and Technology Committee, was amended to
permit a limited pilot project of electronic filing of land records in
Norton and Wise County
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Bud Phillips, Dickenson
Type: Open records/filing fees
Details: Authorizes electronic filing of records, including
use of the Internet; requires clerks of circuit courts seeking money from
the Technology Fund to win state approval for access enhanced computer
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Tayloe Murphy, D-Warsaw
Type: Library
Details: Changes name of State Librarian to Librarian of Virginia.
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Alan Diamondstein, D-Newport News
Type: Open records
Details: Allows use of FOIA “trade secrets” exemption by new
Workforce Training Council; requires prior notice and reason for nondisclosure;
amended to delete objectionable language that would have prevented disclosure
of some public salaries
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Morgan Griffith, R-Salem
Type: Open records
Details: Requires monthly disclosure by legislators of income
exceeding $10,000 when representing agencies regulated by the state
Outcome: Killed by House Rules Committee
Author: Del. Billy Robinson, D-Norfolk
Type: Court access
Details: Implementing JIRC legislation for proposed constitutional
Outcome: Killed (see SB645)
Author: Del. Bob Bloxom, R-Eastern Shore
Type: Electronic meetings
Details: Sought to exempt Commercial Space Flight Authority
from FOIA’s electronic-meeting rules
Outcome: Withdrawn; agency to be covered by SB156
Author: Del. John A. Rollison III, R-Woodbridge
Type: Electronic records/Internet
Details: Sought to veto DMV’s reluctant agreement to let VIPNet
handle electronic commerce involving sale of DMV’s restricted records (see
related HB632)
Outcome: Bill carried over to 1999; House budget amendment killed
by conferees; project on hold awaiting approval of new governor.
Author: Del. Tom Jackson, D-Carroll
Type: Internet content restrictions
Details: Establishes joint Library and Education board to restrict
library and public school access to the Internet; asserts that “access
to information is a privilege, not a right”
Outcome: Carried over to 1999 by Science and Technology Committee;
chief patron is willing to drop objectionable access language
Author: Del. Bud Phillips, D-Castlewood
Type: Electronic records
Details: Extends special clerks’ task force 15 more months;
extends Technology Trust Fund two more years to help clerks move to electronic
databases, Internet access
Outcome: Passed
Author: Del. Riley Ingram, R-Hopewell
Type: Closed records
Details: Sought to expand working-papers exemption to cover
elected local governments and remove requirement for disclosure of specific
public-employee salaries abover $10,000
Outcome: Carried over to 1999
Author: Del. Jack Rust, R-Fairfax
Type: Closed records
Details: Created FOIA exemption for new Technology Training
Certificate Program’s cost estimates, trade secrets and proprietary information.
Wrongly permitted confidentiality of public salaries in higher education,
prior to committee amendment.
Outcome: Killed
Author: Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William
Type: Internet access
Details: Requires blocking software on school computers; requires
parental consent for any student to access the Internet
Outcome: Carried over to 1999 by House Science and Technology
Committee, 10-6
Author: Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William
Type: Internet access
Details: Requires providers of e-mail services to obtain consent
from subscribers prior to selling or releasing subscribers’ names, electronic
mail or message addresses; also requires providers to determine categories
of electronic mail or messages a subscriber doesn’t want
Outcome: Carried over to 1999 by House Science and Technology
Author: Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William
Type: Internet access
Details: Provides penalty for anyone violating Internet service
provider’s rules
Outcome: Carried over to 1999 by House Science and Technology
Author: Sen. Roscoe Reynolds, D-Henry
Type: JIRC disclosure
Details: Provides required second-year approval of a proposed
November 1998 constitutional amendment to ease confidential Judicial Inquiry
and Review Commission rules for misconduct proceedings involving Virginia
Outcome: Passed
Author: Sen. Roscoe Reynolds, D-Henry
Type: JIRC disclosure
Details: Implementing language for constitutional amendment;
Outcome: Passed; also, see SB645
Author: Sen. Joe Gartlan, D-Fairfax
Type: Law libraries
Details: Provides additional fee from court fines to support
law libraries
Outcome: Killed in House committee
Author: Sen. Patsy Ticer, D-Alexandria
Type: Electronic information
Details: Allows local and state agencies to accept electronic
filing of information
Outcome: Passed
SB 153
Author: Sen. Patsy Ticer, D-Alexandria
Type: Electronic information
Details: Legalizes electronic signatures
Outcome: Passed
Author: Sen. Ed Schrock, R-Virginia Beach
Type: Internet voting
Details: A proposal to allow absentee voting on the Internet
Outcome: Killed in committee, 9-4
Author: Sen. Steve Newman, R-Lynchburg
Type: Electronic meetings
Details: A proposal to repeal, permanently, most existing restrictions
on routine use of electronic meetings for public business.
Outcome: Killed by chief patron (see next listing)
Author: Sen. Steve Newman, R-Lynchburg
Type: 15-month videoconferencing test
Details: As favorably amended, this will allow experimental
use of videoconferencing by the legislature, the state community-college
board and agencies under the Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Proposed
by the Joint Commission on Science and Technology to use new technologies
to increase public participation in government at the grassroots level.
Retains several good provisions in existing FOIA; requires monitoring of
project results; adds requirement for special public notice, at least seven
days in advance; waives rule for quorum at anchor site; requires public
access at all Virginia sites where voting members participate.
Outcome: Vetoed (Senate previously had rejected, 33-6, a proposed
Gilmore amendment to delay the test for a year)
Author: Sen. Henry Maxwell, D-Newport News
Type: Possible press restrictions
Purpose: Request for statewide media campaign to address “issues
and concerns of the African American community”
Outcome: Killed in committee
Author: Sen. William Mims, R-Loudoun
Type: Juvenile court access
Details: Requests the executive secretary of the Supreme Court
to recommend new procedures to provide adquate advance notice and meaningful
public access to juvenile court proeedings involving older juveniles charged
with violent crimes.
Outcome: Passed (also see SB298)
Author: Sen. Joe Gartlan, D-Fairfax
Type: Limited court access
Details: A proposed November 2000 constitutional amendment to
restrict JIRC information to General Assembly members only
Outcome: Defeated
Author: Sen. Bo Trumbo, R-Fincastle
Type: Electronic information
Details: Tightens protections for computer privacy
Outcome: Carried over to 1999
Author: Sen. Bo Trumbo, R-Fincastle
Type: Court access
Details: Measure would have stripped judges of discretionary
powers to keep juvenile records open after closed hearings
Outcome: Defeated in committee
Author: Sen. William Wampler, R-Bristol
Type: Electronic meetings — colleges, universities
Details: Companion measure to original HB659 (see above)
Outcome: Passed Senate, 38-2; later killed at chief patron’s
request in favor of much-amended HB659
Author: Sen. Roscoe Reynolds, D-Henry
Type: Court access
Details: Provided for prior notice (hearing date, time and place)
for required public hearings that certify age, affirm probable cause for
older juveniles accused of violent crimes
Outcome: Passed Senate 35-5; carried over in House Courts of
Justice Committee (see SJ190)
Author: Sen. Janet Howell, D-Reston
Type: Open records
Details: Megan’s law; requires public notification (including
use of Internet) of sex offenders’ identity if residing in a Virginia community
Outcome: Passed
Author: Sen. Charles Hawkins, R-Chatham
Type: Closed records
Details: Extends FOIA “trade secrets” exemption to new Workforce
Training Council; requires prior notice and reason for nondisclosure; amended
to delete objectionable language, including exemption for some public salaries
Outcome: Passed
SB 515
Author: Sen. John Watkins, R-Chesterfield
Type: Closed records
Details: FOIA exemption for fire marshals’ noncriminal investgations
Outcome: Defeated in Senate committee, 8-4.
Author: Sen. Stanley Walker, D-Norfolk
Type: Library
Details: Changes the Library of Virginia Library Board from
a policy board to an independent supervisory board, with powers similar
to those of state university boards
Outcome: Carried over to 1999 in Senate General Laws Committee
SB 645
Author: Sen. Joe Gartlan, D-Fairfax
Type: Court access
Details: Implementing language for proposed November 1999 constitutional
amendment; as amended, restricts JIRC information initially to General
Assembly members only
Outcome: Passed (Gilmore amendment unanimously adopted, dropping
proposed fine of up to $500 for public disclosure by a legislator)
Author: Sen. John Edwards, D-Roanoke
Type: Court access
Details: Includes some language identical to provisions in SB229
(see above)
Outcome: Carried over to 1999 session
Author: Sen. John Watkins, R-Chesterfield
Type: Medical records
Purpose: Broadens rules for public disclosure of information
about HMOs and physicians
Outcome: Passed
Author: Sen. Steve Martin, R-Richmond
Type: Closed records
Purpose: Provides only new FOIA exemption, permitting confidentiality
of records while state health commissione investigates quality of HMOs
and other health-care plans; findings will be disclosed when decision is
Outcome: Passed