- PRESIDENT: Maria Everett, Former Director, Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory Council
- VICE PRESIDENT: Paul Casalaspi, Director, Information Technology, Library of Virginia
- SECRETARY: Stephen Hayes, General Manager, WTVR
- TREASURER: Joe Fuentes, Lightfoot
- IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: Jeff South, Retired from Robertson School of Media & Culture at VCU
- Bobbi Bowman, retired journalist, Reston
- Brian Colligan, Editorial Writer, The Virginian-Pilot
- Katy Evans, The Washington Post
- Craig T. Fifer, Washington, D.C.
- Richard Gard, Editor, VIRGINIA Magazine
- Christopher Gatewood, Threshold Counsel
- Joshua Heslinga, Virginia IT Agency
- Reynolds Hutchins, Editor, The Daily Progress
- Amanda Kastl, Fairfax County government
- Isaiah Knight, The Yummy Potato, Lynchburg
- Lawrence McConnell, Retired from The Roanoke Times
- Patricia O’Bannon, Henrico County Board of Supervisors
- Bruce Potter, Publisher, InsideNoVa
- Elliott Robinson, News Director, VPM
- Jay Speer, Virginia Poverty Law Center
- Steve Stewart, Editor, The Smithfield Times
- Christopher Tyree, Virginia Center for Investigative Journalism at WHRO
- Sarah Vogelsong, Freelance journalists
- EX OFFICIO MEMBER: Betsy Edwards, executive director, Virginia Press Association
- EX OFFICIO MEMBER: Jonathan Williams, Executive Vice President, Virginia Association of Broadcasters
last updated: April 11, 2024