National Stories
A day after the St. Louis County prosecutor took the rare step of releasing thousands of pages of grand jury testimony in the Michael Brown case, his move prompted a sharp debate among legal experts, some of whom charged that what looked like the prosecutor’s transparency and neutrality cloaked his real goal — to ensure that no indictment of the police officer occurred.
New York Times
Stephen Frazzini, a judge in New Britain, Connecticut’s Superior Court, has forbidden Connecticut Law Tribune to publish an article, Thomas B. Scheffey reports. The article, by Isaac Avilucea, concerns a document published, apparently by mistake, on the Connecticut Judicial Branch’s website. The Law Tribune says the order is unconstitutional prior restraint, and has filed a motion asking it be lifted. The publication’s lawyer, Daniel Klau, tells Scheffey “I am actually under a restraining order about what I can tell my own client” and that “in a child protection case on the juvenile court docket, the court granted a party’s request for an injunction barring the Connecticut Law Tribune from publishing information that it lawfully obtained about the case.”