May 21, 2020
Richmond Times-Dispatch
As the pandemic forces Virginia’s 1.2 million public school students to trade classrooms for laptops and smartphones — if they have them — many educators, parents and privacy advocates are raising alarms across the state about children’s digital security. Lapses in online protections have led to issues ranging from students’ internet usage information being mined for profit to the theft of sensitive data, creating long-ranging consequences for children’s personal privacy. Weak controls also have allowed online bullying to flourish in hard-to-monitor chats and private messages. The policies received through Freedom of Information Act requests show that larger, wealthier districts can track exactly what programs are being used by students and monitor details about what data is being collected. Smaller districts have less insight and control over student’s digital school lives, records show.
Virginia Mercury
The coronavirus pandemic has affected the number of inquiries from business prospects asking about possible sites for locating an industry in the Dan River Region. Pittsylvania County Economic Development Director Matt Rowe said he has received fewer calls from less serious prospects, but interest from those with more solid plans remains strong. “They’re the ones with the biggest bank accounts,” he said. Current low interest rates on borrowing also helps, he added. Danville Economic Development Director Corrie Teague Bobe would not specify what types of industries are expressing interest in the Dan River Region. “Although we cannot travel for business recruitment at this time, technology has allowed economic development offices the opportunity to continue building relationships with prospects, site selectors, and other economic development partners,” Bobe said. Virtual interaction is likely become more common during the business attraction process, Clark said.
Register & Bee