September 14, 2021
Harrisonburg Citizen
Officials with the city of Bristol, Virginia, announced upcoming limitations at all city council, board and commission meetingsdue to COVID-19. A press release cites the increased community spread of the virus as regional health care systems experience surges and shortages within facilities. Participants at city meetings will now be limited to 18 people per meeting, and face masks will be required. For those unable to make it in person, a live stream will be available with the option to submit public comments.
A scheduled interview between 10 On Your Side and the newly sworn Portsmouth police chief was abruptly canceled on Monday after the department learned that Andy Fox would be conducting the interview. 10 On Your Side’s executive producer of investigations reached out to the Portsmouth Police Department’s Public Information Officer Victoria Varnedoe on Monday to confirm that Andy Fox would conduct the interview at Prince’s office. Varnedoe responded that the department would prefer a different reporter speak with the chief. Fox and the executive producer of investigations went to Prince’s office at the scheduled interview time, but, through Varnedoe, the chief refused to participate in the interview. Fox asked Varnedoe why the chief canceled the interview, but she declined to provide Fox with that information.
Hartford Courant
Last month, New Mexico’s Legislative Finance Committee did something that we believe no other legislative committee in the U.S. has done to date: It launched a “PerformanceStat” initiative. It’s an experiment that bears watching by lawmaking bodies everywhere, as well as by advocates of evidence-based government at every level. New Mexico’s Legislative Finance Committee adapted the PerformanceStat approach to a legislative context, dubbing it “LegisStat.” Instead of a mayor or governor running the meeting, the leadership team was the joint House-Senate committee itself, led by the committee chair. The broader goal of launching LegisStat was to change the dynamic of the typical committee hearing, which is often dominated by lengthy agency presentations. That leaves little time for questions by committee members, including efforts to get at the most important performance problems and trends.
Megan Rhyne, VCOG’s Substack Newsletter
We know a bit more this week about Martinsville’s plan to revert from a city to a town in Henry County. But there are some things we likely never will know. The attorneys hired by the city and county should be commended. They have done a thorough job and pieced together documents that appear to address the most tangible issues of process, facilities and structure. Yet, that isn’t the whole story. First, the hard and fast: Some city officials appear so wed to this idea that the outcome is almost inevitable, with the go-live date the only business left to be completed. Citizens who spoke at the public hearing decried a process that left out their voices until the very last and probably fruitless minutes. At the public hearings, both Tammy Pearson, new to city council since the original votes, and Vice Mayor Jennifer Bowles expressed some concern reversion, although for quite different reasons. Said Pearson: “I was not on council when they voted for reversion, and I voted ‘no’ because our city has not been transparent. Council didn’t meet with the city schools and did not get enough citizen input.” Said Bowles: “So much misinformation is being shared by the speakers tonight. Personally, I’m opposed to reversion, but personal feelings aside, you have to do what’s best for everyone.” We wonder what the “misinformation” might be, because most of what was said was by people who were paid to gather information and share it. Whether this is “what’s best” remains to be seen.
Martinsville Bulletin