April 29, 1971
Member, House of Delegates
70-71 447
This is in reply to your letter of April 14, 1971, which reads as follows:
“I am writing today to ask an opinion relative to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.
“That Act states that ‘executive or closed meetings may be held only for the following purposes’ and then seven purposes are listed. Once a Board is in executive session, is it your opinion that the Board may legally discuss matters which are not permitted by § 2.1-344(1-7), or must the Board return to a public session to discuss them?”
I am of the opinion that, once the board is in executive session to discuss any of the matters permitted by § 2.1-344(a)(1) through § 2.1-344(a)(7), it may not discuss other non-related matters but must hold a public meeting for the discussion of such matters.