Dear Friend of VCOG:
2011 marks VCOG's 15th anniversary. For 15 years, VCOG has been the go-to resource for issues affecting transparency in the Commonwealth. We pushed for the creation of the Virginia FOIA Council and we've lobbied every year for and against bills affecting access. We've put on a dozen annual conferences, given workshops and presentations, published newsletters, distributed daily e-mail alerts, printed pocket FOIA guides, maintained the only comprehensive archive of FOIA opinions, and every day answered questions from citizens, government and media.
Did you know that we do all this on a modest budget of under $90,000?
There's always more that we could be doing — training videos, special projects with member-partners, for example — but those initiatives need funding.
If you have found VCOG's services valuable over our 15-year history, please consider becoming a member or giving a donation. Visit our website ( and click on "Get Involved" on the left.
Together we can keep the sun shining in Virginia!
Thank you,
Megan Rhyne, VCOG Executive Director