Lists of businesses to whom licenses have been issued or lists of individuals or businesses on a locality's tax rolls are available under FOIA if they exist.
In consultation with legal counsel, the public body is the holder of the attorney-client privilege and so may disclose information it wishes; merely discussing an exempt document does not kill an applicable exemption.
Videotapes taken from a camera mounted on a public school bus are not available for disclosure under FOIA or FERPA unless the written consent of every parent of every identifiable child is obtained.
noncriminal incident police reports are available under FOIA, though police may excise personal identifying information; phone director of city employees, if it exists, is subject to disclosure under FOIA.
A school board member's attendance as a member of the general public at a meeting of a committee that two fellow school board members are on does not constitute a meeting of the school board.
The personnel records exemption allows the withholding of personally identifiable information regarding a applicant's education and qualificiations; specific classes taken by city manager part of personnel record, too.