Attorney General

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #439

Virginia Division of Tourism cannot withhold business data submitted by Virginia travel attractions. A private company that is supported wholly or principally by public funds is subject to FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #445

Executive meetings should not be continued from one date to a subsequent date when the business before the body cannot be completed on the scheduled date.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #113

There is no law requiring a separate accounting for expenditures of funds, though any documentation on it would be subject to FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #437A

Principal's handwritten notes, used as a memory jogger, and anonymous letter are public records if used to transact public business. Subject of record can access it, regardless of possible exemptions.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #019

Report by the Psychiatric Advisory Committee is open to disclosure to the subject of the report.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #314

An exhibit is not automatically converted into a personnel record simply because it is introduced in a grievance procedure. FOIA and the Privacy Protection Act notwithstanding, a teacher has the statutory right to a private grievance hearing.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #447

General fund revenue estimates prepared by the governor's advisory boards are considered working papers of the governor; Governor's budget advisory boards must follow FOIA's meeting requirements.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #436

When determining the actual cost of providing copies, a public body may take into consideration (1) number of hours reasonably necessary to compile, copy and assemble documents, (2) cost of computer time used and (3) costs of reproducing the records. If a document is created at the request of a citizen, even though the public body may receive a benefit from having permanent use of the document, it would not be unreasonable to pass on the expense of its production to the requestor if the requestor were notified in advance of the estimated cost of preparing the document.

Attorney General's Opinion 1982-83 #714

Discussion of the hiring, firing, resignation, retention, salary and money paid to the city attorney, elected by the city council, may be held in executive session under the personnel exemption.

Attorney General's Opinion 1982-83 #731

When government employee is being paid two salaries for two different government functions, only the one that meets the statutory minimum for disclosure under FOIA need be disclosed.


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