Sunshine Week 2009 – ASNE survey
Sunshine Week 2009 is March 15-21 (James Madison, considered the patron saint of sorts for FOIA, was born on March 16). Here is some information on a project the national Sunshine Week coordinators are putting together with the help of state-by-state coordinators. The Virginia Coalition for Open Government is the Virginia coordinator.For questions about more…
Board minutes VCOG March 2007
Board minutes VCOG March 2007 Minutes, Spring Board MeetingFriday, March 23, 2007Norfolk MarriottNorfolk, VAPresent: Wat Hopkins, president; Dorothy Abernathy, vice president; Ed Jones, secretary; Lee Albright; Lucy Dalglish; John Edwards; Craig Fifer; Peter Maroney; Lawrence McConnell; John Moen; Robert O’Neil; Matt Paxton; Rod Smolla; Jesse Todd; Ginger Stanley, Virginia Press…
VCOG board minutes Nov. 16, 2006
Virginia Coalition for Open GovernmentMinutes, Fall Board MeetingThursday, Nov. 16, 2006Library of VirginiaRichmond, VAPresent: Paul McMasters, president; Wat Hopkins, vice president; Ed Jones, secretary; Harry Hammitt, treasurer; Dorothy Abernathy; Lee Albright; Lucy Dalglish; John Edwards; Connie Houston; Pam Luecke; Lawrence McConnell; John Mohn; Robert O’Neil; Matt Paxton; Don Richards; Rod Smolla; Peter Easter and Barrett…
Secret government meetings
10 tips to help reporters keep public meetings open
Computer procurement / access policy
§ 2.2-1111(B)(2) Procurement regulations Before any public body procures any computer system, equipment or software, (public officials) shall consider whether the proposed system, equipment or software is capable of producing products that facilitate the rights of the public to access official records under the Freedom of Information Act. http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+cod+2.2-1111