Transparency News, 4/28/2022
online vital records; illegal legislation?; expedited resignation
Transparency News, 4/27/2022
disclose attorney communications; recall prosecutor; dropped suit against records requster
Transparency News, 4/25/2022
courts: search more, turn over ALL data; no announcement; record work sessions
Transparency News, 4/22/2022
SCOVA unseals some/keeps seal on others; the Bristols; cello comments
Transparency News, 4/21/2022
record turned over; no records exist?; not the vehicle
Transparency News, 4/20/2022
honor committee online; Mayor on the Move; gold mine; he likely would if…
Transparency News, 4/19/2022
did not appeal; yes, it was improper, judge; Bristol response deadline set
Transparency News, 4/18/2022
recall petition; bribe; in-person but still limited; tremendous waste
Transparency News, 4/15/2022
conference registration opens; digitization grant; jackass; missing records
Transparency News, 4/14/2022
media sues governor; proper notice?; hire another FOIA officer; student paper
Transparency News, 4/13/2022
Pence & UVA; didn’t want a private meeting; privacy v. right to know
Transparency News, 4/12/2022
HB734 signed; narrowing request = lesser charge; sheltered
Sunshine Report for April 2022
Sunshine Report for April 2022: Save the date!; General Assembly wrap-up; public comment pecking order; don’t mention him; fair trial; and much more
Transparency News, 4/11/2022
Judges orders more detail; amending the minutes; fewer bills?; records should be free
Transparency News, 4/1/2022
hot mic mocking; potential conflicts resignation; census data; worse than teeth
Transparency News, 3/31/2022
info taken off websites; extended process; keep streaming oral arguments
Sunshine Report for March 2022
Sunshine Report for March 2022: wrong on working papers; opposed to roll-back; not a quorum; minimal disclosure on I-95 back-up; and more open government news
Transparency News, 3/30/2022
mum on severance; investigating each other; is avg 2/month “voluminous”
Transparency News, 3/29/2022
on leave, then gone; historic paper transfer; cyberattacks
Transparency News, 3/28/2022
case proceeds; volunteer liaison; no resident priority; personnel policies
Transparency News, 3/25/2022
EVMS settlement; what is/isn’t disclosed at APS; judge’s recordings
Transparency News, 3/24/2022
how to give comment; no power to remove; misconduct files in NJ
Transparency News, 3/23/2022
hundreds of pages; charges for meeting conduct; council dysfunction & fair trial?
Transparency News, 3/22/2022
a quorum or not?; mum on leave, mum on officer identity
Transparency News, 3/21/2022
forfeited seat; archive grant; legal counsel; payment by credit card