Transparency News, 9/14/21
changing the way meetings meet; canceled interview; cold cases; I disagree
Transparency News, 9/13/21
FOIA win for JMU; contract revote; transparent selection process; LEGO budget
Transparency News, 9/10/21
looking for “gaps”; common law right of access; closed ethics meeting
Transparency News, 9/9/21
notice OK, response not; why’d you say it?; SCOTUS in person & streaming
Transparency News, 9/8/21
no comment, no discussion; information that would be helpful; email purge
Transparency News, 9/7/21
new policing data; little known critics; truth finally came out
Sunshine Report for September 2021
Sunshine Report for September 2021: we must behave better; our annual report; Bloody Mary garnishes; lots of open government news
Transparency News, 9/3/21
no answers; new comment rules; certain level of decorum
Transparency News, 9/2/21
challenge to courtroom closure; the police chief & the survey data; public engagement & the elite
Transparency News, 9/1/21
meeting abandoned; raffle records; Fat Leonard; counting deaths
Transparency News, 8/31/21
annual report; city, county, schools; states going COVID dark
Transparency News, 8/30/21
officials departing; prayer warning; an easy scam; reading the room
Transparency News, 8/27/21
court filings, admissions and the shadow docket
Transparency News, 8/26/21
reversion votes; an open state of the city; King Soopers video
Transparency News, 8/25/21
guilty; quota email; still more unruly meetings; Tallahassee Bystander
Transparency News, 8/24/21
meeting canceled; numbers shared; in the hands of the jury
Transparency News, 8/23/21
the outrage at meetings; what backlash?; terabytes of data; why I’m suing
Transparency News, 8/20/21
Suffolk suit; an indefinite loan; audit records; transparency equals trust
Transparency News, 8/19/21
FOIA training; suing for COVID data; mistakes, not bribes; that bombing
Transparency News, 8/18/21
upcoming council meetings; why wouldn’t you release it?; bid scoring
Transparency News, 8/16/21
no-name donation; vacancies; buried records; behave and acknowledge
Transparency News, 8/13/21
never said no; political donations; reprimand; 1970s game room
Transparency News, 8/12/21
why such short notice; more unruly meetings; Delaware comings/goings
Sunshine Report for August 2021
Forrest M. “Frosty” Landon Sept. 24, 1937 – July 19, 2021 The founding director of the Virginia Coalition for Open Government, Forrest M. “Frosty” Landon died in Roanoke on July 19 after a long battle with Parkinson’s Disease. He was 87. Frosty was more FOIA than FOIA itself. He knew the law inside and out…
Transparency News, 8/11/21
negative impact; back scratching; agenda items; an evangelical zeal