September 2009 Newsletter
FOIA Council updates & opinions
FOI Advisory Council opinions & updates Relying on an Attorney General opinion that said circuit courts are subject to FOIA, the FOI Advisory Council’s first opinion of 2009 (AO-01-09) concluded that the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia (OES) is subject to FOIA, too. As an entity that is…
Ask us a FOIA Question
VCOG answers questions submitted through its Web site As a member of our town planning commission, I would like to know if state law requires that we take minutes of our work sessions. We currently have minutes of our public meetings recorded and printed, as well as having these meetings on public television. As some…
VCOG bulletin board
Wat Hopkins, VCOG Immediate Past President and professor of communications at Virginia Tech, has been named the Roy H. Park Distinguished Visiting Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina for the spring semester of 2010. Hopkins, a North Carolina native, earned his Ph.D. from UNC. Rod…