Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 3/4/25
agenda setting by members; live streaming committees; confidentiality agreement
Transparency News, 3/3/25
bills without votes; seat appointment records; don’t be “so afraid of FOIA”
Transparency News, 2/28/25
Our open govt award winners; FOIA Friday; is it a public body?
Transparency News, 2/27/25
FERPA usurper; when records contradict; $22k FOIA violation?; intimidation?
Transparency News, 2/26/25
FOIA win at the Court of Appeals; 2×2 meetings; transparent appointment process
Transparency News, 2/25/25
lottery winners; national security in a state?; more time; DOGE & FOIA
Transparency News, 2/24/25
there’s been clarity; digital history; onsite sewage, but not police misconduct
Transparency News, 2/21/25
database bill killed; a commission on open and transparent government
Transparency News, 2/20/25
No fee reform this year; redacted, but released; closed meeting A-OK
Transparency News, 2/19/25
Emails finally released; database bill dies; preserving the past OTOH, living in it OTOH
Transparency News, 2/17/25
court cases past, present & future; notification of FOIA requests
Transparency News, 2/14/25
all about filling the vacancy; better for who?
Transparency News, 2/13/25
decertified; cyber attack; tie-vote departure; barred over gulf’s name?
Transparency News, 2/12/25
agenda bill dies; reports + texts; public engagement
Transparency News, 2/11/25
filling vacancies in Fredericksburg, Roanoke; call to dox; FBI and FOIA
Transparency News, 2/10/25
700 unopened emails; proof of residency; national archivist
Transparency News, 2/7/25
is there or isn’t there a record?; defamation dismissed; no censure
Transparency News, 2/6/25
whistleblower lawsuit continues; surprise! no more IT; quiet approval; DOGE & FOIA?
Transparency News, 2/5/25
execution tapes & FOIA; training on not forging records; delayed committee list
Transparency News, 2/4/2025
FOIA fees bill; newspaper notice; confirmation through land records
Transparency News, 2/3/2025
records continue to shed light on water crisis; ranchers; will of the voters
Transparency News, 1/31/2025
November 2025?; records offer story on water crisis; Michigan tries FOIA again
Transparency News, 1/30/2025
Richmond FOIA opening up?; performance code questions; independent auditor
Transparency News, 1/29/2025
Censure for admitted lies; contract amendment; no temp injunction
Transparency News, 1/27/25
Censure looms advertising the ordinance; no idea why