Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 3/13/2024
cameras off; meeting canceled; meetings moved; pushed out?; $1.5 million
Transparency News, 3/12/2024
our open-gov award winners; public comment, the good & the bad; broken enforcement
Transparency News, 3/11/2024
Sunshine Week; lifting the curtain; records show family hires
Transparency News, 3/8/2024
FOIA Friday; Hampton suit; locked Excel spreadsheet; arena texts
Transparency News, 3/7/2024
e-meetings bills w/ the governor; which data; conviction set aside
Transparency News, 3/6/2024
FOIA office revamp?; unnamed employee; an investigation engagement letter
Transparency News, 3/5/2024
“stop doing stupid things”; unwelcome guest; definition of vexatious; landing the Super Bowl
Transparency News, 3/4/2024
FOIA whistleblower; the decertification process; how to; conflict?
Transparency News, 3/1/2024
FOIA Friday; what they spent; back on camera; won’t move the meeting
Transparency News, 2/29/2024
non-roll-call votes; motion to reconsider; student members; police investigative files
Transparency News, 2/28/2024
not how FOIA works, parts I and II; fraternity messages; dig all you want, brother
Transparency News, 2/27/2024
heated public comments; closed door cronyism?; 22 years later, but still no legal review?
Transparency News, 2/26/2024
committee graveyard; enjoined from release; teacher work place, citizen residence
Transparency News, 2/23/2024
FOIA Friday; arena report released; $17,000 request
Transparency News, 2/21/2024
bill updates; loss of trust; investigate the leak?; “but the law applies”
Transparency News, 2/20/2024
animal testing; all-day meeting; Kentucky may have dodged a bullet
Transparency News, 2/19/2024
no more access; local campaign finance reporting; bills by legislator
Transparency News, 2/16/2024
VCOG All Access News, 2/16/24: FOIA Friday; Council opinions; OSIG letter; alumni records
Transparency News, 2/15/2024
VCOG All Access News, 2/15/24: the cost of secrecy; dysfunctional electoral board; where to sit; $260K check
Transparency News, 2/14/2024
Valentine’s Day greetings; ruling based on public data; lobbying by degree
Transparency News, 2/13/2024
change in title; why no recording?; video of final hours
Transparency News, 2/12/2024
p-card bill advances; speed things along; owls in Waynesboro
Transparency News, 2/9/2024
FOIA Friday; police data in the minority; disclosing partners; code names
Transparency News, 2/8/2024
still opposed; no purchase price; no details on pier; double role
Transparency News, 2/7/2024
scorecards; city directory; how much so far?; Colo. online checkbook