Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 6/12/14
cybersecurity huddle; no FOI for FOI log?; credit card meetings open
Transparency News 6/11/14
road project website; video, finally; Yelp case to SCOVA; truculence
Transparency News 6/10/14
VB's arena; no info on pay deal; baby boomers, millennials & FOIA
Transparency News 6/9/14
resignation; review of closed sessions; oil shipment secrecy; elec. tax assessment data
Transparency News 6/6/14
contesting the election; t-shirts in court; GPAs distributed; board split
Transparency News 6/5/14
close relationship; altering records; gag order; credit card discussions
Transparency News 6/4/14
wired schools; no-name witnesses; the right to cartwheel; model FOIA
Transparency News 6/3/14
$25K for suppression; a 311 for govt resources; no cert for source ruling
Transparency News 6/2/14
PETA & texts; as far back as 2012; pardon process; prisoner access
Transparency News 5/30/14
no seal; no influence; no Snowden emails; no names in child porn case
Transparency News 5/29/14
to stream or not to stream; asst. coaches' contracts; redistricting under seal
Transparency News 5/28/14
they knew; the why of ambers; scotus on reporter & protesters; crazy talk
Transparency News 5/27/14
governor's opportunity veto; tall order database; jail look-up; really?
Transparency News 5/23/14
suicide reports; state attorneys; catastrophic claims; shut the frack up
Transparency News 5/22/14
Radford's expensive recordings; relieved of command; lifting the prayer stay
Transparency News 5/21/14
the trial goes on; money for misrepresentations; drones memo; LBJ & gays
Transparency News 5/20/14
university head pay; rulings today; air marshal whistleblower; MH370 data
Transparency News 5/19/14
new IG needed; court hearing; IRS emails; Cherokee Nation FOIA; what not to do on fees
Transparency News 5/16/14
SOME documents; Virginia happy; sealed amicus briefs?; parking tickets
Transparency News 5/15/14
council updates; police records; letter-writing rebuke; $40K?!
Transparency News 5/14/14
tight-lipped on Alms, Shockoe; pre-publication review; who's news media
Transparency News 5/13/14
unsealed; VITA woes; weighing intent OK'ed; wiretapping one's own arrest
Transparency News 5/12/14
salaries; not what I believe; system failure; data lobbying; Netflick?
Transparency News 5/9/14
audit changes results; Texas lethal injection suit; 30-second delay
Transparency News 5/8/14
arena meetings; travel tools online; police presence; COPSLIE