Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 11/5/13
agency schedules; no call on log; surplus computers; lobbying spending
Transparency News 11/4/13
write-in; media general TV; foia for; single portal
Transparency News 11/1/13
Huguely cameras; prayer stay denied; Google barge; higher ed candor
Transparency News 10/31/13
MusterMe; FOIA fee tussle; Kansas Corp. Comm'n & Del. family courts
Transparency News 10/30/13
FOIA settlement statement; license plate appeal; he knew; boobies appeal
Transparency News 10/29/13
tracking HR buses; Portsmouth (lack of) communication; audits; may/shall
Transparency News 10/28/13
call lists or screen shots; chancery court records; reporter's notes
Transparency News 10/25/13
Gates papers; open interviews; off-the-record tweets; what meeting?
Transparency News 10/24/13
life vests; still on the job; JonBenet indictment; private arbitration
Transparency News 10/23/13
anonymous jury; no more plate info storing; biz politics app
Transparency News 10/22/13
reporters fired; Google Earth to cemetery; Wikipedia sockpuppetry
Transparency News 10/21/13
purge suit dismissed; supe v. police; PETA target; policy making docs
Transparency News 10/18/13
arguments today; restored rights; demand for $$ return; iFOIA
Transparency News 10/17/13
no shield for email; purge begins; no fallout; $5 for 1 page
Transparency News 10/16/13
inappropriate use; more 2×2 meetings; offline database; SecureDrop
Transparency News 10/15/13
failure to disclose; oppose or support?; collected lists
Transparency News 10/14/13
funding help or not?; student data; ThinkUp; supervisor job applicant
Transparency News 10/11/13
opposing suit; soggy time capsule; no privacy in posts; state bar data
Transparency News 10/10/13
no comment; retraction; anonymous commenters; chaplain; why we appealed
Transparency News 10/9/13
witness name reversal; questionable purge?; campaign limits…again
Transparency News 10/8/13
constituent newsletters; pay your bills; media's heavy FOIA lifting
Transparency News 10/7/13
local conflicts policies; challenge to witness secrecy; clerk's office
Transparency News 10/4/13
Landmarks Registry; sidewalk walk about; transparency non-essential
Transparency News 10/3/13
anonymous witnesses; what's for lunch; cell phone location; revenge porn
Transparency News 10/2/13
selecting replacements; "corrupt"; Transpo Council; ABC findings