Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 10/1/13
Bolling's proposals; libel suits; Hampton mayor to White House
Transparency News 9/30/13
reduced fees for more time; Mann email case appeal; master ID database
Transparency News 9/27/13
George's new library; Pittsy chair's death; your right but not right
Transparency News 9/26/13
liquor ads; nude photos; 911 calls; Invisible Man; Lloyd's List
Transparency News 9/25/13
Giftgate suit; UVA lobbyist; VT hack; SmartProcure; no town in Town Hall
Transparency News 9/24/13
full-time; redacted forms; leak deal; link rot; get rid of vanity plates?
Transparency News 9/23/13
plate readers; not applying for rights; why we should pay their bills
Transparency News 9/19/13
"Like" the sheriff; chef deal; Dumler bill; meeting walk-outs; 2×2
Transparency News 9/18/13
anomalies; FISA opinion; Guantanamo counsel; prosecutor's anonymous talk
Transparency News 9/17/13
get out the meals-tax word; housekeeping & resolutions; prez records
Transparency News 9/16/13
eyewitness policies; sharing gun data; no FOIA suit while in office?
Transparency News 9/13/13
FOIA Council updates; interviews; public officials do records outreach
Transparency News 9/12/13
tale of two police searches; gift return: too little too late; SCC sun
Transparency News 9/11/13
call for nominees; value donation; search papers not seized; GAO on OGIS
Transparency News 9/10/13
SCOVA hears cameras in court; VITA reorg?; transparency in grades
Transparency News 9/9/13
govt employee info; relationship detailed in email; post granular data
Transparency News 9/6/13
iPark; redacted invoices; breaking encryption; most corrupt state
Transparency News 9/5/13
no courthouse tour; Wikipedia & the SCC; website revamps; Sandy Hook 911; CIA access suit
Transparency News 9/4/13
prayer case lives on; election officer sign up; reporter case delayed
Transparency News 9/3/13
civil rights restoration guide; Fredericksburg: baseball deal & FOIA
Transparency News 9/2/13
apology, not appeal; prayer fees fund; White House visitor logs; $24 dinner?
Transparency News 8/30/13
ferry report; JLARC leader; school building inventory; black budget
Transparency News 8/29/13
Hanover still pushing for meeting change; lobbyist disclosures; Zero Dark Thirty names; toll scofflaws
Transparency News 8/28/13
Onancock FOIA suit, take 2; Deep Throat garage; secret DOJ opinions
Transparency News 8/27/13
prez search; attorneys fees; index; NSU; FOIA classified!? (satire)