Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 8/26/13
Big Data Institute; leftover money; Bible gift; Honolulu Civil Beat
Transparency News 8/16/13
CNU-PFAC MOU; mayor or manager; not our office; NSA broke the rules
Transparency News 8/15/13
sunshine music mix; no injunction; Italian vacations; witch hunts
Transparency News 8/14/13
baseball meeting injunction; admonishment; online repository; gov's Tahoe
Transparency News 8/13/13
school board shakeup; removal called off; Swartz file release; secret ethics reform
Transparency News 8/12/13
debates; trail of problems; prayers; MapPLUTO; Messiah; resign
Transparency News 8/9/13
skateboarder; school shakeup; "go back into a room"; Lovelace; misconception?
Transparency News 8/8/13
Henrico promotions; political signs; family photoed; why pick a fight?
Transparency News 8/7/13
no special session; TV news archive; Obamacare tech; prayer amicus
Transparency News 8/6/13
retaliation suit; special session; Bezos' buy; gun-buying teachers; secret DEA info
Transparency News 8/5/13
hard to get disclosures; cooperation; COINTELPRO; in defense of Hanover
Transparency News 8/2/13
mag policy defended; privacy post-Newtown; shield law update; thanks
Transparency News 8/1/13
new BOV era; pfac nondisclosure; more NSA revelations; adorable denial
Transparency News 7/31/13
gift returns; Byrd Jr.; speaker rules; baseball confab; Manning verdict
Transparency News 7/30/13
no traction?; guv's attorney bills; stolen laptop; Manning verdict coming; take a look when public's excluded
Transparency News 7/29/13
AG on tax info & FOIA; ABC policies; severance packages; buttinskies
Transparency News 7/26/13
saving the warnings; threat to AG; quicker disclosures; passwords
Transparency News 7/25/13
change FOIA meeting rules? straying off-topic; no court tapes; NSA can't search email?
Transparency News 7/24/13
post-McBurney; all apologies; online registration; sharing the airwaves
Transparency News 7/23/13
amended disclosure forms; new personal info procedures; drone strike deaths; Rolling Stone & the First Amendment
Transparency News 7/22/13
debates; scandals; GreenTech; FOIA machine; digitized permits; advice; Ventura v. American Sniper; cell phone tracking & warrangs
Transparency News 7/19/13
permission to attend; dental work; doubling down on security; Loudoun subpoena
Transparency News 7/18/13
splitting Marine hairs; the health secretary; meeting laws & free speech; license plate readers; Alito's papers; gift disclosure reform proposal
Transparency News 7/17/13
applications AND orders; refund; legislator meals; 1st Amendment survey
Transparency News 7/16/13
"provocative"; confusing boil water notice; injunction against discipline