Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 2/6/2024
travel approval; meals tax records; reappointed; comments curtailed
Transparency News, 2/5/2024
unpaid bills, but you can’t see all of it; agenda packets; F— this town
Transparency News, 2/2/2024
FOIA Friday; one suit dropped, another suit filed; bonding
Transparency News, 2/1/2024
permits website; task force to rely on records; “under what circumstances?”
Transparency News, 1/31/2024
sign up to speak; voting record; the missing judge; you actually can
Transparency News, 1/30/2024
no hat trick; missing money; side meetings; by design
Transparency News, 1/29/2024
sealed warrants; purge my entire email
Transparency News, 1/26/2024
FOIA Friday; federal shield law; FOIA in the Arkansas constitution moves forward
Transparency News, 1/25/2024
transcript left out; Augusta will appeal; epic collision
Transparency News, 1/24/2024
recap and look forward; dueling press releases; dueling board members
Transparency News, 1/23/2024
subcommittee meeting today; journalism, FOIA & you; attorney nixes further conversation
Transparency News, 1/22/2024
inconsistencies; soft launch questions; in-state flights; lawsuit webpage
Transparency News, 1/19/2024
FOIA Friday; retraumatized?; initial inaccuracies; settlement info blocked
Transparency News, 1/18/2024
another FOIA court win; the report is released; FOIA fee bill lives on
Transparency News, 1/17/2024
release the report; grappling with Gloss; auto-delete; not all are all-virtual
Transparency News, 1/15/2024
school report; travel; no notice x 2; repayment
Transparency News, 1/12/2024
Running Code; bribery, perjury; notes but not recordings?
Transparency News, 1/11/2024
proud of the legal action; charges dropped; analyzing the list; not everything is investigative
Transparency News, 1/10/2024
Coming up in the General Assembly and in the courts
Transparency News, 1/9/2024
court rulings on recusal and unsealing; Ark. effort again blocked; backlog
Transparency News, 1/8/2024
secret ballots?; admin leave for what reason; lawmakers can change that
Transparency News, 1/5/2024
reconstituted bodies fire, change meeting times, make new rules
Transparency News, 1/4/2024
GA bills; capitol hoax; secret complaints; no records on former rep
Transparency News, 1/3/2024
public tunnel; coaching contract; AI & public participation
Transparency News, 1/2/2024
lots of signaling; law as it was, not as it is; the Pound rebound