Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 12/29/2023
judge rules it’s OK to not name names; the whole thing’s privileged?
Transparency News, 12/28/2023
speculative harm; vacancy bill; GO Virginia data; Disney v. Desantis
Transparency News, 12/22/2023
FOIA Friday; student data breach; case update
Transparency News, 12/21/2023
deal on records forgery; and incoming makes three; fees across the US
Transparency News, 12/20/2023
public input needed at all times; God bless everybody — most everybody
Transparency News, 12/19/2023
our new faces; trends: lack of transparency in local governments, police body cam footage
Transparency News, 12/18/2023
no way to run a council; no info b/c it might change?; anonymous surveys
Transparency News, 12/15/2023
FOIA Friday; whistleblower; salaries; database of human remains
Transparency News, 12/14/2023
FOIA Council meeting; 27 hours of comment; snowplows
Transparency News, 12/13/2023
rights restoration records; complaining a lot; is transparency a partisan word?
Transparency News, 12/12/2023
no notice?; secret meeting?; rotating locations; hearing prep; AI’s need for public data
Transparency News, 12/11/2023
suing for report; 136 requests reveal why system is broken; not “qualified”
Transparency News, 12/8/2023
FOIA Friday; good government training; surveillance center; it’s about financial risk
Transparency News, 12/7/2023
civics ed fund; on 2nd thought; anguished email; 11th missed meeting
Transparency News, 12/6/2023
consensus is action; contract renewal; text exchange; legislative turnover
Transparency News, 12/5/2023
support for the process; FOIA in Fairfax; don’t show me in the Show Me State
Transparency News, 12/4/2023
ethics policies; charges dropped; you can’t even get your record; Md. vital records
Transparency News, 12/1/2023
FOIA Friday; 5 a.m. vote; no lame ducks; Marsy’s law ≠ anonymity
Transparency News, 11/30/2023
hard drive found; your attitude; transparency and power
Transparency News, 11/29/2023
Nominations open; behind the scenes; censure; phantom email “common”
Transparency News, 11/28/2023
Giving Tuesday; “I have no earthly idea”; student privacy?
Transparency News, 11/27/2023
subcommittee wrap; possible suit in Orange; police sue to stop release; Foilies
Transparency News, 11/22/2023
legal & insurance ramifications; no broadcasting comments?; FOIA Council meetings
Transparency News, 11/21/2023
a vote against release; more than a month; resignation/retirement; spanking?
Transparency News, 11/20/2023
UVA backtracks on releasing report; GMU listserv; every parking permit