Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 11/17/2023
FOIA Friday; gun violence and records; second draft
Transparency News, 11/16/2023
secret settlement; public comment prayer, limits; “I’m done”; fatal flaw
Transparency News, 11/15/2023
no violation as an official; we didn’t know it would be open; tread carefully
Transparency News, 11/14/2023
on auto-repeat: another denied report; video played in court; cocaine in the WH
Transparency News, 11/13/2023
Digital Cities; why so high?; still appointed; VA numbers
Transparency News, 11/10/2023
FOIA Friday; Council subcommittee wrap; 24-hour meeting; FBI HQ letter
Transparency News, 11/9/2023
Peter Easter; more no-comment reports; 15 hours and counting; contract fraud
Transparency News, 11/7/2023
Election Day! release after lawsuit; legislative “fix”?; media literacy
Transparency News, 11/6/2023
tree complaint; the exemptions; policy on staff time; cameras in Trump trial
Transparency News, 11/3/2023
FOIA Friday; yet another withheld report; late night hearing; what’s a formal reprimand
Transparency News, 11/2/2023
the official denial; crime data; Flint
Transparency News, 11/1/2023
the state of state open records laws; specially called meeting; not tracking; Red Rocks
Transparency News, 10/31/2023
no, you can’t see the names vs. this is why the names are important
Transparency News, 10/30/2023
rocking chair quarterbacking; personalities; no-show; church intervention
Transparency News, 10/27/2023
FOIA Friday; comparatively speaking; students speak; overwhelmed?
Transparency News, 10/26/2023
OSIG to investigate; Roberts Rules ruckus; disorderly conduct
Transparency News, 10/25/2023
FOIA Council meetings; not releasing report; divisions; no public forum
Transparency News, 10/24/2023
voter lists; billing records; court closed;report findings
Transparency News, 10/23/2023
report, but not yet; restoration lawsuit; in search of contact info
Transparency News, 10/20/2023
FOIA Friday; non-public resolution; DPPA; backlog; not even the facts
Transparency News, 10/19/2023
“How about shutting up”; canceling Zoom comment; 16/23 streamed
Transparency News, 10/18/2023
rights restoration records; choking; redacted transcript; no disappearing messaging apps
Transparency News, 10/17/2023
going back to Amazon; database lookup; Covenant School shooter’s writing
Transparency News, 10/16/2023
FOIA for tree info; no record keeping; no input; more email from the VCU Health deal
Transparency News, 10/13/2023
FOIA Friday; not a “record of the agency”?; the cost of a dispute