Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 7/28/2023
FOIA Fri-YAY! scanners; no consideration; asked who and why; the gang that can’t shoot straight
Transparency News, 7/27/2023
citizen, member removal actions; going paperless; First Amendment audits
Transparency News, 7/26/2023
offline discussions; tracking donations; dog bites man; embarrassing
Transparency News, 7/25/2023
FOIA Council opinion; livestreamed work sessions; suit dead?; no John Doe
Transparency News, 7/24/2023
Ironman $; LVA on the Go; Tech salaries; oops in Arkansas
Transparency News, 7/21/2023
FOIA Friday; disappearing messaging apps; Jason Leopold; Congressional anonymity?
Transparency News, 7/20/2023
no free FOIAs, confidentially speaking; the Don’t Show Me state; straw companies
Transparency News, 7/19/2023
seeking details; not a “fan” of open government; explain yourself
Transparency News, 7/18/2023
the FOIA claims remain; no more livestreaming; executive privilege
Transparency News, 7/17/2023
no insults; censures; timing of job posting; guns in public meetings
Transparency News, 7/12/2023
is need for confidentiality forever?; no lame duck delay; bids; fire
Transparency News, 7/11/2023
closed meeting motions, recordings; emails contradict statements
Transparency News, 7/10/2023
doctors for prison; a tech leader; delay the vote; why recall is hard
Transparency News, 7/7/2023
FOIA Friday; the talk behind the action; Biden’s senate papers
Transparency News, 7/6/2023
FOIA full text; police transparency; fee conversations; in-fighting
Transparency News, 7/5/2023
Danville history; questions linger; drone rules; no trace of irony
Transparency News, 7/3/2023
open government crucial to democracy; new laws; govt collection of info
Transparency News, 6/30/2023
FOIA Friday; bribery charges; award cleared; deleted so it wouldn’t be in the NYT
Transparency News, 6/29/2023
allegations cleared; failed deal discussion; benefiting the narrative; mission im-popsicle
Transparency News, 6/28/2023
is he in or out; legislative administration; increased hourly rate
Transparency News, 6/27/2023
Records tell a different story; board member authority; witness list; appeal of order
Transparency News, 6/26/2023
Hopewell; recording of secret meeting; the greatest leak
Transparency News, 6/23/2023
FOIA Friday; public comment change; governor’s settlement
Transparency News, 6/22/2023
foundation suit; no immortality; stolen valor; no foreign work; AI & FOIA
Transparency News, 6/21/2023
foster care report; overflow; authority put to the test