Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 5/12/2023
FOIA Friday; 63-day average?; tracking requesters; zMod readopted
Transparency News, 5/11/2023
execution records; no gag; no ordinance; further resignations
Transparency News, 5/10/2023
for the public, but not public; payment revealed; ouster in part because of FOIA
Transparency News, 5/9/2023
OK with no report; conflict?; stripped of duties?; “that fired me up”
Transparency News, 5/8/2023
not a very convenient fee; paid v. nonprofit lobbyists; defamation
Transparency News, 5/4/2023
investigation with no report; mum on jail deaths; wire taps
Transparency News, 5/3/2023
canceled meeting; court-ordered public hearing; secret bidder
Transparency News, 5/2/2023
5/2/23: donated papers; the day bin Laden died; FOIA is for friends and enemies
Transparency News, 5/1/2023
miscalculation; developing a megasite; archaeology gag; justifying secrecy
Transparency News, 4/28/2023
Supreme Court cases & their impact; drugs & guns; “What difference does it make?”
Transparency News, 4/27/2023
Court win for public’s right to attend meetings; assistants; 10-min. meeting
Transparency News, 4/26/2023
psych reports in court; correspondence withheld; legislative privilege
Transparency News, 4/25/2023
novel case; Alabama improvements; politicians & social media
Transparency News, 4/24/2023
OSIG/VSP report; look but don’t touch; intra-government FOIA tension; being remote
Transparency News, 4/21/2023
mobile library; mum on investigation; Washington under threat
Transparency News, 4/20/2023
defamation & the county; in person after 3 years; overlooked
Transparency News, 4/19/2023
hiring cleared; fire alarm records; immigration policies; OK secret recording
Transparency News, 4/18/2023
retreats; fire inspections; but he certified; “dragged its feet”
Transparency News, 4/17/2023
voter list; withheld b/c we aren’t mandated to disclose; retreats, because FOIA; Iowa governor must comply
Transparency News, 4/14/2023
questioning an action; hiring in public; better disclosures for judges
Transparency News, 4/13/2023
Richmond video policy; attorney-client protects resolutions?; one-hundredth of a percentage
Transparency News, 4/12/2023
managers & mayors acting out; Murdaugh letters; budget negotiations
Transparency News, 4/11/2023
starting over; employee data; FOIA’ed correspondence on big issues
Transparency News, 3/31/2023
vacation; a huge estimate for a huge request; authority to quickly enforce
Transparency News, 3/30/2023
not a manager; not just the summary; Ark rejects what Va already has