Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 3/29/2023
hacked, so don’t engage; 4th in a year; Ivana; the FBI
Transparency News, 3/28/2023
if deluged, invest in flood protection (metaphor!); get rid of the libraries; judicial transparency
Transparency News, 3/27/2023
tremendous shift; ruling fall out; reporter subpoenaed
Transparency News, 3/24/2023
virtual meeting action voided; suing to participate remotely; Maryland’s court access bill
Transparency News, 3/23/2023
lots of police news & NOVA news — raises, videos, gag orders, shooting data and restoration of rights
Transparency News, 3/22/2023
video released; severance package; electronic participation; having an attorney present
Transparency News, 3/21/23
fighting the release; no rehearing; streamed announcement; preserving documents
Transparency News, 3/20/2023
if only; video to be released; a little help here; 3 components of transparency
Transparency News, 3/16/2023
the crazy FOIA lady; it bolsters confidence
Transparency News, 3/15/2023
videos; vote; term limits; harmony; school websites; microlegislation
Transparency News, 3/14/2023
won’t certify; input on anonymous people; passionate comments
Transparency News, 3/13/2023
VCOG’s survey of state agency websites; public record charges a personal matter?; foilies; Sunshine Week
Transparency News, 3/10/2023
confidential settlement terms, not amount; missing video; skip the public hearing?
Transparency News, 3/9/2023
rescheduled, but no public comment; harrowing footage; Redcoats?
Transparency News, 3/8/2023
the mayor’s not part of the body; another anonymous settlement; cyber attack
Transparency News, 3/7/2023
death chamber audio tapes; it was not a meeting; no personal livestreaming
Transparency News, 3/6/2023
parking; apology; subpoena; anonymity; UFOs; overclassification
Transparency News, 3/3/2023
$7,800 for policies; throwing shade on FOIA
Transparency News, 3/2/2023
access to the meeting, not the room; NFOIC officers; NARA and VA records
Transparency News, 3/1/2023
back under the FOIA fold; confidential party, terms, amount; jail records
Transparency News, 2/27/2023
a FOIA win; errant judges to be named; are they or aren’t they a public body?
Transparency News, 2/24/2023
forged contract?; strategic delay?; Georgia SOS’s FOIA request; legislatures as check
Transparency News, 2/23/2023
texts that should’ve been turned over; more detail on spending; resignation sniping
Transparency News, 2/22/2023
response to email characterization; abuse; kudos for meeting improvements
Transparency News, 2/21/2023
elected/appointed; FOIA’ed research; disagree in an agreeable way