Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 8/8/2022
VCOG daily access news, 8/8/22: property value; lobbying; conflicts; permissive, not mandatory
Transparency News, 8/5/2022
legal advice for documents and meetings; voter rolls online
Transparency News, 8/4/2022
no evidence; not included in the discussion; no documents, but a report
Transparency News, 8/3/2022
skill games & the budget; new VB digs; citizen academy; red ball quiet
Transparency News, 8/2/2022
provisional licenses; no public comment; no acknowledgement; appeals info
Transparency News, 8/1/2022
voting blocks; meetings as theater; bring back the in-person moments
Transparency News, 7/29/2022
employee can talk; public comment; manager market shut down; galling
Transparency News, 7/28/2022
it’s his policy, not the law; separate travel; Niko records
Transparency News, 7/27/2022
donations & votes; zoning paper trail; came to light during comments
Transparency News, 7/25/2022
database live; non-disclosure and expense; neo-Nazi case unsealed
Transparency News, 7/22/2022
only agenda items; defamation suit dismissed; Facebook comments
Transparency News, 7/21/2022
FOIA Council opinions; jCamp; unaware of its existence
Transparency News, 7/20/2022
changed address; changed location; amended minutes; intent?
Transparency News, 7/19/2022
more on the Lovettsville case; defamation tossed; documented bloat
Transparency News, 7/18/2022
penalty for refusing to fill request; emails on books; timely release
Transparency News, 7/15/2022
why a closed meeting now; unusual sealing; public as press
Transparency News, 7/14/2022
insider info; resigning to sue; fighting appointments
Transparency News, 7/13/2022
public comment topics; circulating info; another recall effort; leaked video
Transparency News, 7/12/2022
vouchers; organ donors; Phlow
Transparency News, 7/11/2022
secret jail plan; departing employees; selling stock; what it means to prevail
Transparency News, 7/8/2022
closed hearing; void the decision; FOIA Council training
Transparency News, 7/7/2022
because of a text; quiet even with disclosure; incivility
Transparency News, 7/6/2022
redacted reports; quick firing; Notification and Assistance for Victim Inclusion
Transparency News, 7/5/2022
RPD settlement & retraction; stand-up public meetings; FOIA at 56
Transparency News, 7/1/2022
whose FOIAs are good/bad for FCPS; last-minute names; disorderly conduct