Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 6/29/2022
recall, again; available budget info; no names on complaints
Transparency News, 6/28/2022
no tracking, please; no quorum, again; audits & oversight
Transparency News, 6/24/2022
video online, but not released; no info on sexual harassment; it was an “oversight”
Transparency News, 6/23/2022
no personal assistants; preference for closed meeting; sealed visual content
Transparency News, 6/22/2022
no charges; no application; dueling signs; retreat 1.75 hours away; gift agreements
Transparency News, 6/21/2022
cold case database; late audit; leaked death info; too many nonprofit requests?
Transparency News, 6/20/2022
prompted angry reactions; engagement with the press; metaversities
Transparency News, 6/17/2022
more insults; anonymous complainants; Calif. state bar leak; crypto contributions
Transparency News, 6/16/2022
fabricated, falsified and missing records; surprise sale; FOIA gold
Transparency News, 6/15/2022
no comments on camera; recall; settling on what?; wouldn’t have to charge
Transparency News, 6/14/2022
money on the table; Virginia reports even if others don’t; future of Uvalde records
Transparency News, 6/13/2022
used the back door; resignation; open session negotiation; one voice?
Transparency News, 6/10/2022
improperly closed, even locked; self-destructing OK in MO; in praise of text
Transparency News, 6/9/2022
actually discussing cases; resolutions; Wisconsin COVID data win
Transparency News, 6/8/2022
vote without ID; remote meeting disruptions; posted letters
Transparency News, 6/6/2022
not fully vetted; Atlas One; publishing salaries; even unfounded complaints
Transparency News, 6/3/2022
recalls, including one about FOIA; we did the math
Transparency News, 6/2/2022
additions without input; raises; Flynn unmasking; info and time
Transparency News, 6/1/2022
members not informed; police as victims; free speech/independent judiciary
Transparency News, 5/31/2022
change position = loser; circuit court FOIA “appeal”?; not one-offs
Transparency News, 5/27/2022
no information, some information; I think he’s totally disgusting tonight
Transparency News, 5/26/2022
it’s all about that fee; on the road in Henrico
Transparency News, 5/25/2022
abruptly fired, abruptly resigned; FOIA training for electoral board
Transparency News, 5/24/2022
anonymous witnesses; recall dismissed; KISMYAS
Transparency News, 5/23/2022
info in Quantico; librarians; details laid out for the public; no longer an impact