Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 3/3/2022
good news/terrible news; OSIG independence; JMU, FOX & DEI; only 33 complaints
Transparency News, 3/2/2022
misinformation; block chain title search; apology; WhatsApp ban
Transparency News, 3/1/2022
citizen boards; dividers; commission funding; video in court
Transparency News, 2/28/2022
Fox inspection; health directive dispute; nonprofit finances
Transparency News, 2/25/2022
room with a Zoom; disciplinary records
Transparency News, 2/24/2022
wrap-up (for now) of criminal investigative files bill; recall dismissal
Transparency News, 2/23/2022
why we oppose HB 734; two years in an NOW Zoom?; who destroyed the records?
Transparency News, 2/22/2022
bill scales back access for all but victims; surety bonds; legislation nationwide
Transparency News, 2/21/2022
health care emails; salary grievance; VITA exit; decertification list
Transparency News, 2/18/2022
code of conduct; history starts with records; expunged surveillance
Transparency News, 2/17/2022
attack by press release; meeting recordings; not qualified w/out children
Transparency News, 2/16/2022
HB 734 reverses access gains; visitor logs; return the records?
Transparency News, 2/15/2022
embezzlement but no time; enviro boards; set to auto-delete
Transparency News, 2/14/2022
I-95 working papers?; weaponizing FOIA?; escorted out; belief in a higher power
Transparency News, 2/10/2022
higher ed data; tweet removal?; back off of journalists; level playing field
Transparency News, 2/9/2022
subcommittee update; affidavits; no watchlist; scanner app getaway?
Transparency News, 2/8/2022
bills with NDAs, shortened testimony, and charter revocation; regulation isn’t law
Transparency News, 2/4/2022
tipline exempt, but why?; $$ for hybrids; drive-by bird; process of elimination
Transparency News, 2/3/2022
quorum ruling; 6 years worth of records; not from around here; NYT/Hunter Biden
Transparency News, 2/2/2022
asking me questions; part-time legislators; Tenn v. Va; only at the courthouse
Transparency News, 1/31/2022
study JIRC?; report released to family; making it doable; conflict
Transparency News, 1/28/2022
city/county collision course; FOIA & member privacy?; shopping cart gag?
Transparency News, 1/27/2022
udpate on bills; unprovoked interruption; QR code complaints
Transparency News, 1/26/2022
an explanation; opposition to NDA; closed meeting for what?
Transparency News, 1/24/2022
actions after videos; you have to say why; Palin v. NYT