Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 1/21/2022
this morning; listening session; legislatures across the country
Transparency News, 1/3/20220
remote participation; still no explanation; what did they know; Stars & Stripes
Transparency News, 1/19/2022
blast put down; virtual indefinitely; Pound wake-up call?
Transparency News, 1/18/2022
Jenay Tate; is he representing/still employed?; risking health to participate?
Transparency News, 1/17/2022
position papers; court records access case continues; whistleblower sues
Transparency News, 1/14/2022
not back to virtual; 1 in 5 didn’t answer; Fauci calendar
Transparency News, 1/13/2022
spam leads to certified mail; tech issues shut-down; secret tests
Transparency News, 1/12/2022
won’t release investigation; back to online meetings; no-shows
Transparency News, 1/11/2022
records released; doozy of a meeting; “easy legislative remedy”; we’re different
Transparency News, 1/10/2022
back online; vote reversal; vital records office; reporters banned
Transparency News, 1/6/2022
more grants; removal hearing; limited seating; econ development NDAs
Transparency News, 1/5/2022
suing for blood tests; censure erased; pardon; legislative transparency
Transparency News, 1/4/2022
answers wanted; work sessions, not committees; digitize land records
Transparency News, 1/3/2022
tie-breaker; gun-brandishing as speech; blocked destruction
Transparency News, 12/31/21
Happy New Year; secret subpoena; Wickr in Maryland
Transparency News, 12/30/21
defamation suit; legal memos; Tennessee’s COVID response
Transparency News, 12/29/21
parole board votes/investigation; no one to lead; spending “mistakes”
Transparency News, 12/24/21
inundated; it doesn’t give people a lot of time to plan; harassment
Transparency News, 12/23/21
not THE capsule; kamikaze option; misstatements about the town
Transparency News, 12/22/21
work-arounds; where are the fees?; was a public hearing needed?
Transparency News, 12/21/21
NFOIC comes to Virginia; FOIA & registrars; no public funds?
Transparency News, 12/20/21
extent of damage; medical condition arguments; the content of messages
Transparency News, 12/17/21
united in our alarm; $1.5 million ad campaign; surprise encryption
Transparency News, 12/16/21
can’t say where, can’t say why; “don’t want dirt thrown on people”; Foilies
Transparency News, 12/15/21
letters; another attack; misconduct files; silver lining