Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 12/16/21
can’t say where, can’t say why; “don’t want dirt thrown on people”; Foilies
Transparency News, 12/15/21
letters; another attack; misconduct files; silver lining
Transparency News, 12/14/21
paying for access; ransomware; attorney candidate; no coverup
Transparency News, 12/13/21
credit card use without names; private labs; open Burger papers
Transparency News, 12/10/21
Richmond police misconduct $$; barred from meetings; ruling on Trump papers
Transparency News, 12/9/21
maps; podcasts; court records; “Neener! Neener!”
Transparency News, 12/8/21
side conversation; public interviews; Biden’s papers at U. Delaware
Transparency News, 12/6/21
attorney fees in FOIA case; 100,000 records for $36,000; before blame came praise
Transparency News, 12/3/21
no one spoke, others left early; doxxing opponents; CIA sex crimes
Transparency News, 12/2/21
publicly filling a vacancy; unredacted Mueller report passages; Open Courts Act
Transparency News, 12/1/21
community/student input; a week’s delay; footage when it supports
Transparency News, 11/30/21
another parole board vote try; meetings “reopen”; discipline in Md.
Transparency News, 11/29/21
letter to the courts; NN work sessions; FOIA/PRA case; filed under seal?
Transparency News, 11/24/21
non-disparagement; the citizenry has been lazy; elected not to release
Transparency News, 11/23/21
draft reports; citizen video, but not police; supporting fee reforms
Transparency News, 11/22/21
threat of FOIA Council?; the YouTube went out; email exchanges; 55 years?
Transparency News, 11/19/21
not a meeting; resolution’s effect; oh, Pound; hope offered
Transparency News, 11/18/21
prior restraint; nothing required; court record blackout; the spirit of FOIA
Transparency News, 11/17/21
comment change; removal change; data breaches; working, not business
Transparency News, 11/16/21
no public or press; dueling FOIA requests; recall calls from the other side
Transparency News, 11/15/21
courtroom rulings; $2.4 million!; coordination; did not remedy
Transparency News, 11/12/21
gag order; no guns; threatening messages; release stopped
Transparency News, 11/11/21
FOIA Council updates; debt collection; Metro investigation
Transparency News, 11/10/21
anonymous (city?) buyer; $16,000 jerseys; law firm’s hiring; student debt data
Transparency News, 11/9/21
data center enticements; non-prosecution agreements; Kobe photos