Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 8/10/20
meeting lawsuit redux; new comment policy; $222,667 and 3 years; oh, yes we did
Transparency News, 8/7/20
reports released; further FOIA accusations; corrective action; credit cards
Transparency News, 8/6/20
FOIA day; release to legislators, not public; in-person/online session?
Transparency News, 8/5/20
redactions defended; oversight board; leaked video
Transparency News, 8/3/20
policy challenge; video release; casino proposals; public engagement
Transparency News, 7/31/20
the IG & the Parole Board; no open before closed; imposters; powerful speakers
Transparency News, 7/30/20
altered records; defamation past & present; reliable data; radio chatter
Transparency News, 7/29/20
EDA resignations; future contracts; it’s all about the data; equal speaking time?
Transparency News, 7/27/20
police disciplinary records; Unite the Right redactions; personal accounts
Transparency News, 7/24/20
info dashboards; investigation results, files; upgrade procurement; Epstein records
Transparency News, 7/23/20
cost of removal; no public comment, why?; nursing home data in Texas
Transparency News, 7/21/20
minutes, letters; the deed; severance
Transparency News, 7/20/20
the changing of engagement; LEO names; evasive on the closed meeting
Transparency News, 7/17/20
school board FOIA violations; herculean effort afoot; CDC data; arson or speech?
Transparency News, 7/16/20
RPD (eventually) release figures; defamation for COVID coverage; no requests answered
Transparency News, 7/15/20
FOIA Council training; 911 audio; 5-years of data; what is burdensome?
Transparency News, 7/14/20
turned off; the record, not the viewing; Know Your Rights website
Transparency News, 7/13/20
waived timeline?; “no” to certification; no meeting violation; case videos
Transparency News, 7/10/20
LVA apology; footage of arrest; comments reappear
Transparency News, 7/9/20
confidential poultry processing; no footage for protest; $400 for 20 salaries
Transparency News, 7/8/20
amicus brief; let’s go to the footage; why the mad rush?
Transparency News, 7/6/20
the Wilder records; small-group meetings; incomplete proposals
Transparency News, 7/3/20
more than yearly; situational, not daily; Mueller report
Transparency News, 7/2/20
LOE responses; suicide records; mayoral exchange; economic development secrecy
Transparency News, 7/1/20
FOIA full text; contact tracer info; another intra-board lawsuit