Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 5/20/20
hospital drug recipients; no charter change; TSA talk; visitor logs
Transparency News, 5/18/20
the unknown 60%; Twitter…not private; geographical limits on speaking?
Transparency News, 5/15/20
SCOVA streaming; agenda items; fix FOIA
Transparency News, 5/14/20
defamation & immunity; where did that come from?; BOS wants to FOIA schools
Transparency News, 5/13/20
adding comment; lobby growth; not OK to put FOIA on back burner
Transparency News, 5/12/20
share here, not there; archiving a moment; deal collapse; political reax
Transparency News, 5/11/20
redacted contract; from $8,750 to free…for everyone; general public comment
Transparency News, 5/8/20
virtual GA?; task force meetings?; back to in-person; bridgegate
Transparency News, 5/7/20
voted anyway; no-discussion hiring; some in-person hearings
Transparency News, 5/6/20
a growing chorus on nursing home data; cost of the session; 2 different zoning stories
Transparency News, 5/5/20
new data; budget now released; still no contract; department has power to release
Transparency News, 5/4/20
ABC, VDHRM & HIPAA?; Portsmouth; names released; SCOTUS phone arguments
Transparency News, 5/1/20
we need to be transparent; written comments only
Transparency News, 4/30/20
FOIA win in the courts; re-open panel not open; closed city hall≠closed govt
Transparency News, 4/29/20
VAB shooting file; virtual meeting interrupted; journalists’ guide to HIPAA
Transparency News, 4/28/20
annotated code; UFOs; hodge podge; journalism during a crisis
Transparency News, 4/27/20
navigating COVID-19 requests; remote hearings; crisis communication
Transparency News, 4/24/20
virtual meeting rules; infant settlements; contract is released
Transparency News, 4/23/20
the reconvene session; now some sharing is OK, but not other sharing; subpoena?
Transparency News, 4/22/20
get it done in a day or more?; school boards; location, location, location
Transparency News, 4/21/20
Reconvene Eve; by locality; until people can attend
Transparency News, 4/20/20
avoiding votes; an outbreak, but where; 1st responders; how would it jeopardize?
Transparency News, 4/17/20
NEEDED: more data, more data, more data, data, more data
Transparency News, 4/16/20
remote GA?; jail testing database; still no PPE info; don’t take it away
Transparency News, 4/15/20
letter on public airing; what is essential; journalism has your back