Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 3/9/20
how much for security?; in camera review; how will “weed” know?
Transparency News, 3/6/20
Rappahannock FOIA case; juvenile’s hearing still closed; it was him
Transparency News, 3/5/20
conference committees; secret casino meetings; the entire strategy
Transparency News, 3/4/20
whose contract?; interviews: judges & SCC; about that ransom…
Transparency News, 3/3/20
what scanner encryption means; denied FOIA plate; “candid” communication
Transparency News, 3/2/20
student newspapers; university foundations; way-advance sign up
Transparency News, 2/28/20
challenge to closed court; SCC e-filing; FOIA case “under advisement”
Transparency News, 2/27/20
compounding pharmacies; vaguely worded; sandbagging; headhunters
Transparency News 2/26/20
reporters barred; extreme booty shakingl; public comments; encrypted messages
Transparency News 2/25/20
keep the news local; unsolicited bid; social media engagement
Transparency News 2/24/20
access to new filings; FOIA case to be heard?; collecting student data
Transparency News 2/21/20
DOC sued over “reasonably specific”; %!&#% video; town manager complaints
Transparency News 2/20/20
Norfolk superintendent; Geoportal; newspaper cafe
Transparency News 2/19/20
sponsors; V-P move; private universities & FOIA
Transparency News 2/18/20
SLAPP explained; credentials; McMillions & FOIA; economic development & the people
Transparency News 2/17/20
resignation letter; SELC, FOIA, NEPA; invoices and the treasurer
Transparency News 2/14/20
just how many FOIAs?; a GoFundMe for requests; attorney fees
Transparency News, 2/13/20
frustration; out of state case; computer trespass; citizen complaints
Transparency News 2/12/20
libel suits tossed and SLAPPed; contradiction?; NFOIC research; Zippo
Transparency News 2/11/20
demise of Navy Hill, immunity; Presidential Records Act; drone-use transparency
Transparency News 2/10/20
SIGN UP FOR OUR CONFERENCE!; 1st Amendment retaliation?; public barred from court
Transparency News 2/7/20
FOIA suit in South Hill; HRRJ’s records; post-request destruction
Transparency News 2/6/20
OES/FOIA bill’s demise; bodycam video released; NOAA emails; about journalism
Transparency News 2/4/20
EVMS phishing; PACER case; Illinois on destruction; Mass vital records
Transparency News 2/3/20
671 moves on; Tartan update?; who’s the chair?; police report