Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 9/25/2024
finance emails; commission public hearing; police audio; irony in Iowa
Transparency News, 9/24/2024
civics bill; aides and info; wolf depradations; the IRS 990 backlog
Transparency News, 9/20/2024
FOIA Friday; Council opinion; Musk & the FBI
Transparency News, 9/19/2024
no spending oversight; another UVA report that the public won’t see
Transparency News, 9/18/2024
do over; video, now that it’s evidence; no action; personal phone texts
Transparency News, 9/17/2024
Constitution Day; fired in a closed meeting?; department audit
Transparency News, 9/16/2024
data center secrecy; parent contacts; if not for litigation…
Transparency News, 9/13/2024
FOIA Friday; changes afoot for LIS; digital v. paper
Transparency News, 9/12/2024
told to drop investigation?; CIA case in Loudoun; the Glomar Hustle
Transparency News, 9/11/2024
education websites; FOIA & vouchers; no responsive records; blurred
Transparency News, 9/10/2024
IG reports added; NDAs; disruptions; don’t ridicule the BOP; FOIA and the judiciary
Transparency News, 9/9/2024
Around the country: Arkansas judges; Colorado websites; New York government employees
Transparency News, 9/6/2024
FOIA Friday; when did they know; photos but no video; no rules against Fat [expletive]
Transparency News, 9/5/2024
retired & exonerated; church address; public officials on Signal
Transparency News, 9/3/2024
whistleblowers; denial without explanation; suing a prosecutor over FOIA
Transparency News, 8/30/2024
FOIA Friday; plant violations; no response from Treasury; $60K for promotion
Transparency News, 8/29/2024
more travel expense documents; no discussion; foster kids; reporter murder
Transparency News, 8/28/2024
GDCDPA & FOIA; oversight for thee; postponement after transparency concerns
Transparency News, 8/26/2024
appeal for report; systemic FOIA issues; expenses questioned; Tenn. body cam footage
Transparency News, 8/23/2024
FOIA Friday; civil rights archive; late-night vote to appeal
Transparency News, 8/22/2024
investigate the leak, not the conduct; Roberts Rules of Order?
Transparency News, 8/21/2024
few audits online; hiring and vetting lawyers; personal cell phones
Transparency News, 8/20/2024
admin leave; dealings with board member’s company; Longwood finances
Transparency News, 8/14/2024
state of Virginia’s FOIA; data center database; expenses; censures
Transparency News, 8/13/2024
from personnel to consensus?; how widespread?; cc’ed on FOIAs?; Uvalde