Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 2/13/18
transcript denied; individual phone calls; with friends like these
Transparency News 2/12/18
animals records; HB1’s impact on student journos; political donors = personal attack?
Transparency News 2/9/18
streaming the IDA; confidentiality agreement; Glomar at the state level?
Transparency News 2/8/18
judiciary bill pulled; out-of-town retreat; competing student privacy bills
Transparency News 2/7/18
check registers & public comment; records contradict; court records bills
Transparency News 2/6/18
appointed; watchdog removal; almost surreal; cost of censorship
Transparency News 2/5/18
SB727 portrait in full; gifted appeals; tax incentives; monkey no-see
Transparency News 2/2/18
checkbook transparency – some do, some don’t; no gerrymandering records
Transparency News 2/1/18
disappearing phone; court case compromise advances; ad disclosure
Transparency News 1/31/18
database compromise?; student privacy; no comment ≠ not engaged
Transparency News 1/30/18
recap and preview; commenting in Pittsylvania County; not mandatory
Transparency News 1/29/18
on tap for today; retaliation fears; election-day clothing
Transparency News 1/26/18
stories, editorials & a plea on SB727
Transparency News 1/25/18
courts promise rules; student privacy bill; HUD request; shooting video
Transparency News 1/24/18
subcommittee recap; that means an awful lot; e-copies; students on student data
Transparency News 1/23/18
House meeting; when feedback isn’t good; forgotten password
Transparency News 1/22/18
shredding defamation; disclosure…eventually; takedown lawsuit dismissed
Transparency News 1/19/18
at the GA today; FOIA surges in number, in processing
Transparency News 1/18/18
RCFP/FOIA in Charlottesville; all access for successors; Hastert
Transparency News 1/17/18
subcommittees; town hall type?; mediated mayor; citizens care
Transparency News 1/16/18
watching the GA; the no-name worker; transparency at the GA
Transparency News 1/15/18
courts & FOIA; civility overrated?; no quorum; the Koch question
Transparency News 1/12/18
bills on FOIA and the courts; FFx FOIA page; warrants, unsealed documents
Transparency News 1/11/18
RECORDED VOTES!! lots more bills; getting lost; exactly where the money’s going
Transparency News 1/10/18
General Assembly convenes; vote re-do; teacher at meeting