Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News, 5/30/2024
sentencing; the matrix on hold; filming police; nothing more than a nuisance
Transparency News, 5/29/2024
FOIA Council wrap; school board upheavals; agendas; marriage licenses
Transparency News, 5/28/2024
FOIA Council meeting; “private” meeting; a lawsuit over police data
Transparency News, 5/23/2024
walking back the offer; last-minute action item; private email
Transparency News, 5/22/2024
introducing our new car magnet; tons of travel; retaliatory rules
Transparency News, 5/21/2024
purchase card problems; unpermitted events; a governor’s travels
Transparency News, 5/20/2024
men in black; hypothermia; Prince William IT; Iowa veto; $50,493.50
Transparency News, 5/17/2024
FOIA Friday; water treatment woes; political meetings; no more legal support
Transparency News, 5/16/2024
Dogwood Dell files; abrupt ending; was meeting propoer?; losing your seat
Transparency News, 5/15/2024
skirting procurement *and* FOIA; hot mics; shield the work & the IDs
Transparency News, 5/14/2024
training (or lack thereof); no responsive documents; EEO-1s
Transparency News, 5/13/2024
edited documents; Key Bridge footage; legislatures rolling it up
Transparency News, 5/10/2024
FOIA Friday; drone documentation?; minutes; cast ballots
Transparency News, 5/9/2024
retreat notice; the check, if not the agreement; case dismissed
Transparency News, 5/7/2024
whose working papers?; consultants’ cost; “you’re going to need to FOIA that”
Transparency News, 5/6/2024
lawsuit to get UVA report; 9 p.m. on a Saturday; thematic meetings
Transparency News, 5/3/2024
amicus brief; FOIA Friday; $1; protective orders & FOIA
Transparency News, 5/2/2024
the amazing caper; chair resignation; suing to claw back records
Transparency News, 5/1/2024
threat of suit, threat of response; “who’s behind” the lawsuit
Transparency News, 4/30/2024
dueling narratives; out of compliance; “no TOWN funds”; some notice
Transparency News, 4/29/2024
new whistleblowers and motions to dismiss; not board action; “correct”
Transparency News, 4/26/2024
FOIA Friday; the Petersburg letter and the surprise vote; best practices
Transparency News, 4/25/2024
without warning; property conflict?; LVA resources; funniest redactions
Transparency News, 4/24/2024
compensation settlement; speed cameras; suit origin; transcripts
Transparency News, 4/23/2024
more about that $600K suit; conflicts charges; generative AI & fed FOIA