Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 8/29/14
gerrymandering lesson; FOIA policies; fed/local data mismatch; bait & switch
Transparency News 8/28/14
divested; new biz in town; subpoena for all voting records; we'll see
Transparency News 8/27/14
lobbyist spending; publishing tax debtor names; PACER fail; smelly
Transparency News 8/26/14
records committee update; voting irregularities; MME earthquake database
Transparency News 8/25/14
action at work session?; cell phone bill; no weapons inventory; evasive
Transparency News 8/15/14
email project award; no talking; Montezuma's revenge; filming police
Transparency News 8/14/14
Medicaid, PPEA by the rules; elected school board; access in Ferguson
Transparency News 8/13/14
loan docs; expungement; faked résumé; auto-deleted email; Amtrak & DEA
Transparency News 8/12/14
sealed documents; correcting mistakes; probing leaks; mobile in Utah
Transparency News 8/11/14
salaries; lawyers; whom do you serve; normal scope of their job?
Transparency News 8/8/14
conflicts council director; I didn't read it; fastest Internet speeds; justifying expenses
Transparency News 8/7/14
reined in; forgotten filing; blocking consumer complaints; corner the market
Transparency News 8/6/14
defending; speaking as a taxpayer; bribes; terror list; whipping stick
Transparency News 8/5/14
defamation; injunction not lifted; erroneous closed meeting; we take 'em to court
Transparency News 8/4/14
the 1st amendment concerns; zombie boards; whom you don't ask; throwing FOIA
Transparency News 8/1/14
Star witness; chartered jets; OK, yeah, we spied; auditing the auditors
Transparency News 7/31/14
evidence list; even stiffer dissent policy; can i vote?; DC's personal email
Transparency News 7/30/14
public dissent; just closing it; public meeting 24/7/365; meat labels
Transparency News 7/29/14
juror lists; filming police in Petersburg; Saturday opinion; digital traces
Transparency News 7/28/14
Virginia on trial; PTA town hall; official to resident ratio; broadband
Transparency News 7/25/14
can't connect; majority views; DC in Las Vegas; this will not be pretty
Transparency News 7/24/14
bus apps; no Martinsville box; praying in Chesterfield; back-up tapes
Transparency News 7/23/14
office hours; digital counties; bed registry; merely scratched?
Transparency News 7/22/14
remote policy; expose crappy website; defending his work; DC's FOIA portal
Transparency News 7/21/14
new websites; Greek tragedy; records release feels good; irrecoverable