Sunshine Report

The Sunshine Report goes out at the beginning of each month and includes updates on the work of the Coalition, summaries of the most significant open government stories of the previous month and greater explanations of current hot topics.

Sunshine Report for September 2023

Sunshine Report for September 2023: dog days; post office boxes; pricey contracts; save-the-date

Sunshine Report for August 2023

Sunshine Report for August 2023: hot temperatures, hot heads; Council meets; Virginia FOIA, you've come a long way, baby

Sunshine Report for July 2023

Sunshine Report for June 2023: FOIA & the ADA; FOIA Fridays; public votes; bribery; release, but not to the public

Sunshine Report for June 2023

Sunshine Report for June 2023: another SCOVA ruling; lasting impacts of COVID; aggressive replies; Twitter threads, podcasts and tons of news

Sunshine Report for May 2023

Sunshine Report for May 2023: Supreme Court ruling; library on the go; so many working papers and attorney/client exemptions, interviews in the open

Sunshine Report for April 2023

Sunshine Report for April 2023: our survey of state agency websites; conference wrap-up; threads and op-eds; lots of open government news

Sunshine Report for March 2023

Sunshine Report for March 2023: legislative wrap up; award winner; eye roll of the month; and the stupidest person?

Sunshine Report for February 2023

Sunshine Report for February 2023: Busytown lobbyist; eye roll of the month; short-staffed DOE, jails & what that means for FOIA; televised bid opening

Sunshine Report for December 2022

Sunshine Report for December 2022: annual conference info, the tipline, frequent filers, digital cities, code names and much more

Sunshine Report for November 2022

Sunshine Report for November 2022: rulings good and bad; at the FOIA Council; eye roll; let's go to the tape; $12,000 bill


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