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FOIA / Misc.
FOIA / Policy
FOIA / Scope


Records / Custodian
Records / DMV Documents
Records / Fees
Records / Judicial System / Also see Court Records, above
Records / Litigation
Records / Medical
Records / Negotiations
Records / Personnel
Records / Police (Misc.) / 1999 FOIA Changes Made Non-Criminal Incident Reports Subject to FOI for the First Time
Records / Requesting Records
Records / Salaries
Records / Scholastic
Records / Security
Records / Tests
Records / Vital Statistics


Meetings / Closed - Legal Matters / Also, see 1999 FOIA changes
Meetings / Closed - Miscellaneous / Also, see 1999 FOIA changes
Meetings / Closed - Personnel / Also, see 1999 FOIA changes
Meetings / Closed - Real Estate Exemption / Also, see 1999 FOIA changes
Meetings / Electronic/Telephonic Meetings / FOIA subsequently was amended to prohibit local governments from using electronic devices for meetings
Meetings / Financial Data
Meetings / Informal Gatherings
Meetings / Minutes
Meetings / Notice / 1999 amendments include some new rules for meeting notices
Meetings / Quorum


Other / Access to court records / The 1st Amendment, and common law, govern access to litigation-related court records, not FOIA
Other / Attorney Fees
Other / Email
Other / Libel
Other / Media law
Other / Public trials
Other / Regulation of speech, including obscenity & advertising / includes obscenity & advertising