Definitions: What is an Official or Public Record
Attorney General’s Opinion 1991 #009
Names, qualifications, evaluations, tests used to evaluate, and how indidivual candidates fared under selection criteria all exempt. General selection criteria not exempt. Certificates issued by Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy regarding persons certified to work in mines must be disclosed.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1987-88 #030
A city/county attorney’s itemized billing statement is an official record and must be disclosed to the extend it does not reveal confidential communication, or ongoing criminal investigation matters, or some other information that may be exempt. Reasonable charge for deletions may be made
Attorney General’s Opinion 1987-88 #037
Jail registers are open records, but some information in a so-called ‘dispatch log’ is confidential, as is some information in a so-called ‘jail log.’
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #420
Meetings to discuss employment terms and contract of school board superintendent are properly closed, but the action of employing the superintendent must take place in open session. Employment contract of school superintendent is open.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #425
FOIA does not define financial statements so common definition prevails. Certain IRS forms not within common definition, so it can be disclosed.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #420
Bank balances are official records.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #446
Financial data of retailers collected by an institution of higher learning for purposes of business research or publication are subject to disclosure.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #113
There is no law requiring a separate accounting for expenditures of funds, though any documentation on it would be subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #437A
Principal’s handwritten notes, used as a memory jogger, and anonymous letter are public records if used to transact public business. Subject of record can access it, regardless of possible exemptions.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1982-83 #724
A draft management letter is an official record.Working papers exemption lost when chief executive officer distributes a document to others.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1982-83 #727
FOIA allows, and no other code provision prohibits, the release of the names, telephone numbers and business-type information of local business licensees.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1980-81 #392
Records regarding the use of a sheriff’s special account are official records,even if the account is not funded by the county or state, when the funds are used for a public purpose.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1979-80 #236
Medicare and Medicaid cost reports are open records. Court rulings interpreting the federal FOIA do not apply to Virginia’s FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1978-79 #313A
Building and zoning permits are official records.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1978-79 #317A
a report to a public body becomes an official record when it comes in to the body’s possession.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1978-79 #315
financial statements city requires merchants selling goods in the city to file with its purchasing department are official records.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1977-78 #481
List of county employees enrolled in the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act is an official record.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1977-78 #493
papers prepared in response to a proposed zoning ordinance are official records.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1977-78 #486
Coupons clipped from a private citizen-paid newspaper ad and sent to individual supervisors are not official records. Any formal petition, however, would be.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1977-78 #489
Salaries of identifiable employees may be disclosed. Financial interest statements filed with clerk of court are open.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1977-78 #309
Master list of restaurant and grocery store health inspections, and presumably the supporting files, are official records.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1974-75 #576
Complaints filed with the county human rights commission and/or tenant-landlord commission are public records. FOIA provisions trump conflicting city ordinances.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1975-76 #412A
Notes made by an official at the Division of Personnel on a federal government report about the operations and policies of the division are official records.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1975-76 #414
conciliation agreements entered into by all parties in a complaint with the Human Rights Commission are official records subject to disclosure.