DMV Documents
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-02-08
Weekends and legal holidays are not counted as working days when computing the five working day time limit for a response to a request for public records. A public body must inform a requester in writing when it does not have the records the requester seeks. Clear communications are essential to the operation of FOIA.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-08-05
Accident reports containing information on juveniles are not to be treated any differently than reports containing information on adults
Capital Tours v. DMV
FOIA does not require the production of trade secrets or proprietary information.
Saunders v. Pethtel
FOIA and the statute that allows inspection of competitive sealed bids are separate and distinct.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1973-74 #241
State police not required to provide copies or allow for inspection of accident reports filed with the DMV, though there’s nothing to prevent an officer from vonveying the information verbally or from a person getting the report through the DMV.