The Virginia Coalition for Open Government has created what it hopes will be only the first of several editions of the "Citizens’ Pocket Guide to Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act."
The guide is a concise summary of the FOI law written in ordinary language, broken down into five sections:
• The Virginia Freedom of Information Act (an overview of the act with its statement of policy);
• Getting a public record (procedures for getting a record, plus commonly used exemptions);
• Going to a public meeting (procedures public bodies must follow in their meetings, plus commonly used exemptions);
• Enforcing your rights (statutory and common-sense remedies); and
• Getting help (resources for help with more detailed questions and procedures).
The 10-inch x 3.5-inch goldenrod, cardstock guide folds up accordion-style to fit in someone’s wallet or purse.
Copies are available by contacting the Coalition at .
The guide is also available online at /virginias-foia-resources.
Individuals, members of the media, academics, the Virginia Library Association and the Virginia Association of Counties have used copies for various training, educational and general informational purposes.
The guide was funded by the National Freedom of Information Coalition, and was made possible by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.