National Stories
“It’s unclear to me,” tweeted Jennifer Wagner, whose husband Gordon Hendry is a recent appointee to the Indiana Board of Education, “how an alleged [State Board] meeting happened while we were on a beach in Florida.” Wagner’s referring to the lawsuit Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz filed Tuesday against the board’s members, accusing them of violating a state law requiring certain government meetings to be open to the public. At issue is how ten State Board members managed to approve and affix their signatures to a letter asking for a state legislative agency to assume a role calculating this year’s A-F grades without, in the words of Ritz’s court filing, ”meeting in secret,” running afoul of Indiana’s Open Door Law.
Indiana Public Media
The Kansas Department of Children and Families’ assertion that it won’t publicly disclose results of an internal review about practices at its Wichita office is being criticized by a bipartisan group of legislators. “You have to have accountability,” Sen. Forrest Knox, R-Altoona, said Wednesday. “If there’s no accountability, that’s a big problem.” Rep. Jim Ward, D-Wichita, said, “There’s absolutely no way they can keep this a secret. Child protective services is too important.”
Wichita Eagle
It was just a background conversation on the Acela train ride north on Thursday. Or that’s what Michael V. Hayden, the former head of the National Security Agency, thought as he chatted away with three journalists who called him for comment on the recent reports of N.S.A. eavesdropping on the leaders of France and Germany. What Mr. Hayden did not realize was that a passenger a few seats away was doing some eavesdropping of his own. Tom Matzzie, a former Washington director of the political group, was so intrigued by the tidbits he heard from Mr. Hayden, who is also a former C.I.A. director, that he pulled out his cellphone and started posting Twitter messages.
New York Times
The heads of state of Germany, Brazil, and Mexico may be far from the only world leaders who've reportedly attracted the attentions of the US National Security Agency. An agency memo leaked by Edward Snowden and published by the UK's Guardian newspaper Thursday contains a plea from the NSA for access to US officials' "Rolodexes" of contacts — including "foreign political or military leaders" — and mentions one instance in which an official provided 200 phone numbers for 35 world leaders. Forty-three of those numbers, previously unknown to the agency, were "tasked" by the NSA, along with "several other" of the numbers.