Wednesday, March 5, 2014
State and Local Stories
A cloud hangs over a state inspector general’s investigation that is supposed to give a long-awaited public accounting of how Virginia’s mental health system treated the son of Sen. R. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath, before he attacked his father Nov. 19. G. Douglas Bevelacqua, who led the investigation as director of the behavioral health division of the Office of the State Inspector General, abruptly resigned his position Tuesday, citing interference by office leadership that weakened the still-unreleased report. Bevelacqua, who previously served as an independent inspector general for behavioral health and developmental services, said the office had made changes to the report “that, in my opinion, will diminish the report’s usefulness as policy makers consider changes to the commonwealth’s emergency services response system.”
Daily Progress
Judge Paul Sheridan said Tuesday he will seek to appoint Arlington Commonwealth's Attorney Theo Stamos to represent Sterling residents in the recall petition case against Loudoun County Supervisor Eugene Delgaudio (R-Sterling), this following Sheridan's granting a request for recusal from Loudoun Commonwealth's Attorney Jim Plowman. Sheridan, a retired Arlington County judge, made his first appearance heading the Delgaudio case at the Loudoun County Courthouse Tuesday morning. The Supreme Court of Virginia recused all Loudoun County Circuit Court judges from the case.
Loudoun Times-Mirror